Page 68 of Elliot

Jonathan cocked his head. “Then I suggest we leave this meeting without offing each other.”

“That sounds like a good compromise,” Elliot said as the man pushed the button to go downstairs. “Lose that key card.”

The man’s laughter echoed through the living room. “Like that would stop me.”

The door closed, and Elliot dropped his weapon to his side.Holy hell.Well, that explained the last open loop they had in the investigation. He drew a breath and scrubbed his face with his hand. A conversation with an assassin, who happened to be his woman’s bio dad. Hereallyhoped that would never happen again. But something told him the man would always be watching. He glanced at the elevator and smiled. That was fine by him.


Five Years Later:

Jason King lookedout at the auditorium full of Guardians after he shook Ross Stapleton’s hand. The man was officially retired, and Elliot Sawyer was being promoted to take his place. The awards ceremony, gold Rolex watch, and all was the least he could do for Ross, who kept the New York division running like that damn watch he’d just presented. A long line of people formed to congratulate Ross and his husband Driscol.

Elliot had been his understudy for the last five years, and Jason had every confidence Elliot would take the division higher as all good successors should. He made his way to the back of the auditorium.

Elliot and his wife, Maya, were talking to Faith. Reece joined him as they approached the three. Elliot turned and blinked. “Holy hell, Reece, when did you become a man?”

Reece laughed in his low, base voice. “I think about the time Uncle Joseph pushed me through that survival course out in the desert a couple of years ago. I’m actually on a team now.”

“Seriously?” Elliot looked from Jason to Reece.

“Seriously,” Jason said. “He and Talon joined about the same time. Different teams, of course.”

“Right, because why put best friends together.” Reece rolled his eyes.

“Trouble, that’s why.” Faith laughed. “Charley knew what she was doing when your dad left that decision to her.”

“Charlie? I heard rumblings she’d be taking your place one day.”

“She needs balance. Her sister, Con’s wife, will eventually be that. I’m giving them another four years to find that stability, and then I’m stepping back if Faith doesn’t mind.” Jason put his arm around his wife.

“She doesn’t mind. She wants you to retire.” Faith toed up and kissed him.

Reece groaned. “There they go again.”

Elliot laughed and put his arm around Maya. “You’ll have to deal with it, Reece, and you’ll understand when you find the part of your heart that fits perfectly.”

Reece laughed. “Yeah, not happening. Talon and I are confirmed bachelors. All the good women are taken.”

Maya shook her head. “Such a jaded view of love?”

“Jaded?” Reece shook his head. “When you live around our folks, you know what true love is. They’ve taught us what to look for, and we know that someday, we might find it. But until that time, I’m footloose and fancy-free. Speaking of which, I’m going to bolt. Talon is in town, and we have things to do and places to go.” He leaned down and kissed his mom, hugged Jason, and extended his hand to Elliot. “I’m happy for you, Uncle Elliot.”

“Thanks, man. If you ever want to work for me, you have a spot.”

“What and give up the adventure? No thanks.” Reece kissed Maya. “Bye, Aunt Maya, keep the old man straight.”

“Old?” Elliot snapped his head toward Maya. “I’m not old.”

“Of course not, dear.” Maya toed up and kissed his cheek.

Elliot looked at him. “But I’m not old.”

Jason laughed. “None of us are, my friend. On the inside, we’re all in our twenties. If only the outside would remember that.” He leaned on his cane. “Those kids are the future of Guardian. The sharp end of the sword, and soon, we’ll have to turn over the reins.”

“Well, hopefully not for ten or twenty years.” Elliot frowned.

Jason chuckled. “Whenever it happens, we’ll be in fine hands. The Guardian dynasty is waiting for them to step up.”