Page 50 of Barry

“Here’s the thing, we figure you and Kathy are long-term. Are we right?”

“As far as I’m concerned, yes, sir. Forever.”

“Good. Well, I’m not getting any younger. Lorna has been extolling the virtues of being retired. She wants to enjoy her golden years, her words, not mine.”

“I’m not sure I’m following.” Barry wiped his fingers. “You want me to work your place so you can retire?”

“Hell, no. I don’t want to retire, but I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with the work.” Melvin sighed and leaned back. “Look, we have a nice place. We pool work with the neighbors, round-up, branding, and such, but the day-to-day is slipping. I’m getting slower, and I’ll need to hire someone full-time. If you come on, at least you’d be working for Kathy’s inheritance.”

The conversation he and Kathy had a few weeks ago flickered and then flamed. Barry looked at Melvin. “Inheritance.”

“Yep, she gets the place. Here’s the offer. I’ll give you a third of the profits, but you’ll walk into a mess. I haven’t been able to do fencing. I have the money, just not the time, and the buildings are in dire need of maintenance. You’llwork your ass off, that’s a promise, but one day it will all be yours and Kathy’s. We have acreage about two miles from our house. Figured you and Kathy could build a house there.”

Barry leaned back in his chair and stared at Melvin. “Don’t you think Kathy should agree to this first?”

“Nope. Figured you ain’t ready to pop the question, and I ain’t asking you to do it except when you’re ready. Now, as I figure it, Hollister has been paying you pretty good. I can’t do that; as I said, you’ll some of the hay we bale, a share of the cattle we sell, andallthe headaches that come with running a medium-sized ranch.”

Barry ran the offer through his brain and then shook his head. “I can’t do that, Melvin.”

The man deflated in front of him. “Yeah, knew it wasn’t an attractive offer.”

“No, you misunderstood me. I can’t take anything. The military is paying me a medical retirement every month. You put any money you can save into an account for Kathy or future grandkids or whatever. The deal will be room and board for my horse and me, and I’ll work for you and for Kathy and myself. When we decide to get married, you pay for the ceremony and the party for the town.”

“Was going to do that anyway.” Melvin frowned and then rubbed his face. “I can’t take advantage of you, son. That wouldn’t be right.”

Barry picked up a chicken leg and pointed it at Melvin. “Exactly, I’d be taking advantage of you, and that wouldn’tbe right. I will marry your daughter, sir, if she’ll have me. Sooner rather than later. But first, we need to sort through what happened last night, get her healed, and then find a new normal.”

“I’ll agree, but only if you agree to the provision that if I see you struggling to make ends meet, I can help out or implement some type of pay system.” Melvin stared hard at him.

“Deal. I’ll need to give the Hollisters my notice.” Barry took a bite of the chicken.

“That’ll do.” Melvin smiled. “And whenever you get ready to pop the question, you have my permission to ask her to marry you, son.”

Barry laughed and wiped his fingers and mouth. “Sir, no offense, but I’d marry her with or without your permission.”

“None taken, and that’s good to know. Basically, what I told Lorna’s pa all those years ago, too. Now, stop talking and eat your food. Need you to be strong enough to work.”

Barry chuckled and picked up his piece of chicken again. “Bossy, ain’t ya?” He threw Melvin’s words back at him.

“Not usually, but you have me worried.” Melvin laughed, tossing Barry’s own comment at him before he stood up. “I’m going to go sit with the women. You finish your meal and take a break.”

Barry nodded. He’d eat, but he wasn’t taking a break. He’d be there for Kathy tonight and the rest of his life.


Kathy sighed in complete contentment. The pain from the snake bite and aches were still there, but she was home. She was with the man she loved, and she was safe. She turned to her side and stared at the man she loved. She swore Barry hadn’t slept since the night she was taken. She stared at him. Long black lashes rested against his cheeks. Asleep and unguarded, he looked so much younger. He’d had a hard life, and she planned to make the rest of his days lighter. She smiled at him. His beard was impressive for two day’s growth. She resisted the urge to stroke his cheek so she wouldn’t wake him. He needed the sleep.

She lifted her head at the sound of a vehicle approaching her house. Barry jerked and sat up in one fluid motion. She reached out and touched his arm. Heblinked and looked at her. Confusion was plastered across his sleepy face. She smiled at him. “It’s okay. Someone’s here.”

He nodded and whipped the blanket back. Unfortunately, he was in his jeans and walking out of the bedroom before she could enjoy the view of all his nakedness. She heard voices before Barry came back to the bedroom. “Do you feel like visitors?”

Kathy nodded. “Sure. I need to brush my teeth and get dressed first. Who’s here?”

“Kate and Edna.” He scratched his chest and yawned. “I’ll grab a shower while you visit. Your mom should be here soon.” He helped her get out of bed, holding her as she steadied herself on her feet.

“I can take care of myself. Mom doesn’t need to come over.” She made her way to the bathroom.

“Doctor’s orders. A reaction could happen up to ten days after you receive the antivenom.” Barry followed her and turned on the shower. She brushed her teeth and hair before putting on a floor-length robe. She pushed back the shower curtain. “I could ignore them and join you.”