Page 28 of Barry

“No, and I’m serious. Looks like someone put a rattlesnake in my room last night. At the ranch.”

Ken let out a string of cuss words and then said, “You’re serious.”

“Yeah.” Barry rolled his eyes. “Figured you needed more work.”

“I don’t, but I’m on my way.”

He disconnected the phone and dropped his head. Who was doing that shit? Who would be bold enough to come into the bunkhouse and release a rattlesnake? Why in the hell was someone after him and his dog? He closed his eyes. Hopefully, Andrew and his people would have some information on Fish soon. Fish was the only possible answer. The man had to be alive, and he had to be the one doing it.


Kathy was laughing in the kitchen, playing with Sev, when she heard excited male voices from the hall. Gen wiped her hands, concern showing on her face. “Could you watch him so I can find out what’s happening?”

“Sure.” Kathy lifted one of the little people and dropped it down a circular slide. Sev laughed and tried to do the same with a car about three sizes too large. She played with him until Gen came back.

Gen crossed her arms. “Okay, so here’s the deal, and I don’t want you to get upset.”

Kathy was on her feet instantaneously. “You realize by saying that I’m already upset, and I don’t know why.”

Gen lifted her hand. “Barry found a rattlesnake in his room in the bunkhouse.”

A shiver went down her spine, almost as if a cold hand had run down her back. “How did it get in?”

“That’s the thing. Dusty and Barry think someone put it there.”

Kathy gripped the back of the chair. “Why?” She shook her head. “Gen, all he’s trying to do is heal and start his life. He’s been through so much.”

Gen bent over and picked up Sev. “I know. He’s worked so hard. When he first came here, saying good morning to him would set him off. It’s been like watching someone slowly come to life. You’ve been the reason.”

“No, Dr. Wheeler has been working with him, and he’s trying so hard.” Tears welled in her eyes. “He just needs a break. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have things like this being constantly thrown into your face.”

“My brother is good, but if Barry didn’t have a reason to work toward being better, nothing Jeremiah says would matter. Having that one person in your life is so important.”

Kathy heard the wistfulness in Gen’s voice. She sniffed and nodded. “You were there for Andrew. I remember.”

“And he was there for me.” Gen nodded. “When the two of you get through this, and you will, you’ll be stronger for it.”

Kathy glanced in the direction of the bunkhouse. “I love him so much. The moment I woke up in his arms after that car accident …” She sighed. “I can’t say it was instant love, you know, like some of the romance books we read, but it was close.”

“Oh, that reminds me. Hold him.” Gen dropped Sev in her arms, and then Kathy watched as she jogged away. Sev looked at her, and his face scrunched up. He reached toward the hall and screeched, “Momma!”

“Oh, no. We’re not going to cry.” Kathy spun the little boy, who grabbed at her shoulders and laughed. “See. No cries.” Kathy spun in the other direction. “Zoomies!” Thankfully, Gen hustled back into the kitchen on her fifth rotation. “Girl, I’m glad you were quick. I’m getting dizzy.”

Gen traded her Sev for the bag she had in her hand. “He’s going through a bit of a separation anxiety phase. Aren’t you, Buddy?”

The little boy wiggled to get down, and Gen put him on the floor. He went over to the cars and castle in the kitchen corner and sat down to play. “See, he’s over it as soon as it starts.”

Kathy laughed. “That’s why I teach the older kids. If they start crying, I think I’d start crying, too. Then we’d all cry, which would be a mess of epic proportions.” She motioned to the bags. “What’s this?”

“I went crazy this past winter and ordered a bunch of books from Riley Edwards. There are others in there: Susan, Caitlyn, MaryAnn, Abbie, Cat, Bella, and Kris. I keep trying to remember to bring them to town for you.”

“No way! There has to be fifty books in here.”

Gen laughed. “Enjoy them and then pass them on toAllison. I wish they would come to Deadwood to that book signing they hold every year.”

“I met Riley Edwards once.” Kathy laughed.

“No, you didn’t!”