Kathy lifted an eyebrow. “I have a feeling you’re leaving something out.”
Allison fiddled with the towel in her hand. “He asked me out, so when I was down in Rapid, I took him up on it. We had a great time. He’s smart and … well, sexy. The tattoos …”
Kathy wasn’t going to let her stop. “But …”
“He said he’d heard all about my issues with Ken.” Allison’s chin went up in the air. “He had the nerve to tell me that while a relationship was a two-way street, any woman he dated wouldn’t be able to pull him around by the nose.”
Kathy let out a surprised bark of laughter and slapped both hands over her mouth. Allison’s eyes narrowed at her, and she stood up, leaving the room.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Kathy laughed as she followed her friend.
“You sound sorry,” Allison mocked her from in front of the oven.
“You’ve got to admit, he has your number.”
“It isn’t my number.” Allison crossed her arms and leaned against a pristinely clean stainless-steel table. “At least I don’t want it to be my number.”
Kathy walked over to her friend and hugged her. “I know, sweetie. I know. If you like this guy, you should go for it.” She released the hug and held Allison at arm’s length. “We’ve talked about this so many times. You were miserable and didn’t know how to act other than doing what you’d always done. Maybe this time, you should just see how things go without trying to drive the relationship. I can tell you that’s where I am with Barry. He’s leading because he needs to. But you know what? I know deep in my soul that if I needed or wanted it, he’d share that responsibility with me.”
“Well, the ring-in-the-nose comment ensures Brian wouldn’t be willing to share.” Allison sighed.
She wasn’t going to let her friend off the hook. “Not true. Just because he won’t be led around doesn’t mean he won’t commit to a relationship. You don’t know.” Kathy dropped her hands from Allison’s shoulders. “Wait … that’s it, isn’t it?”
Allison frowned at her. “What?”
“A relationship. That’s what you’re afraid of. You were afraid of it with Ken. You’ve driven away every guy who has ever asked you out a second time or walked away from them. Are you afraid of being in a relationship?”
Allison rolled her eyes. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”
Kathy shook her head. Allison would never admit to it, not in a million years. “Okay, fine, if you aren’t afraid of a relationship, why not go out with him again?”
Allison dropped her eyes. “Because he hasn’t called me. And the last time he was up here to see Alex and Kayla, he didn’t stop by.”
Kathy grimaced. “Ouch.”
“Yeah.” Allison sighed. “And …”
Kathy dipped her head, catching Allison’s eyes. “And?”
Allison shrugged. “I liked him, but I messed it up.”
Kathy sighed and grasped at straws. “Then maybe you should call him.”
“And say what?”
“Well, that depends on what you said to make him gosilent.” She held up a hand. “I’m not going to ask what that was unless you want more free advice.”
“Thanks, but I think I’ve had my fill for today.” Allison smiled at her.
Kathy moved to hug her friend. “I love you, girly. Sometimes, you are your own worst enemy. Anytime you want to talk about this, I’m available.”
“Thank you,” Allison whispered as they hugged. “Now, how about some sourdough?”
Kathy laughed and released her friend. “Yes, please.”
Barry wiped the sweat off his forehead with the red handkerchief in his back pocket. Then he wiped the sweatband of his cowboy hat. Honey was lying in the shade. Her tongue lolled out as she panted gently. “Thanks for the company,” he said to his pup, and she wagged her tail happily.