Page 51 of Barry

Barry’s eyes popped open, and a smile spread across his face. “Not for the next five days.”

“Doctor’s orders?” She lifted an eyebrow.

“Yep.” Barry leaned over and kissed her. “He said a week. He didn’t say if that was a calendar week or a work week. I choose work week.”

Kathy laughed. “So do I. I love you.”

“I love you. Now, go. They brought breakfast.” He winked at her.

She sighed and pulled the curtain closed, heading out to the kitchen. “Hi. Sorry, we slept in.”

“No, we’re sorry. We told Barry we’d come back,” Kate said from the counter where she was making coffee.

“We didn’t think the visit through,” Edna agreed. “But we did bring you a caramel roll.” She waved to the takeout container.

“Thank you.” She sat down, and Kate put a cup of coffee in front of her and Edna. She turned back to the counter to retrieve her cup while saying, “I’ll bring Mitzi and Honey over after I finish at work today. Mitzi is doing great with the cast, and the break was clean, so she should heal nicely.”

“Thank you for watching them while I was getting fixed up.” Kathy poured cream and some sugar into her cup and took a sip of the coffee.

“It was the least I could do,” Kate said and sat at the table.

Kathy looked at her. “Your friend who has the sight, have you talked to her lately?”

Kate nodded. “Blessing. Yes, we spoke this morning.”

Kathy put her cup down. A surge of fear hit her hard. “Did she see anything else? For us, I mean.” Kathy shivered. “Please tell me no.”

Kate reached over and placed her hand on Kathy’s. “She said the darkness was gone, and she feels nothing but peace.”

“Thank God.” Her hands shook, so instead of picking up her cup, she wrapped them around it.

Edna put her roll on a plate. “You need to eat a bit of this roll. Oh, and I wanted to show you both something. Something my camera caught yesterday.” She reached down and picked up her purse, rummaging around inside its cavernous depths. “Here.” She pulled out her phone and started swiping the face. “Look.”

She turned the phone toward them. Kate took it and frowned at the picture. “What is that?”

“You tell me.” Edna crossed her arms and sat back in the chair with a smug look.

“I can’t.” Kate handed Kathy the phone. She took it and looked at the picture. The frame showed a large shadowy figure. “You said this was taken yesterday?”

“Yep, at six at night,” Edna confirmed. “Ken said the guy that took you was in custody early in the morning when he was at the diner yesterday.”

Kathy looked up at Edna and blinked. Did they not know Jackson was dead? She dropped her gaze and stared at the photo. “I don’t know what that is.”

“It’s a Bigfoot,” Edna said matter of factly.

Barry walked in and came up behind her. “What do you have there?”

Edna smirked. “A real picture of the Bigfoot I know is in the area.”

Barry leaned closer to examine the photo and droppedher medication on the table beside her. “When was that taken?”

“After the guy who kidnapped Kathy was taken into custody, so it isn’t him in a stupid suit.” Edna extended her hand for her phone, and Kathy gave it back. “Not easy to explain away this one, is it?”

Barry put his hands on Kathy’s shoulders as she took her pain pill. “I have to admit, Edna, I can’t explain what that is, and it doesn’t look like anyone in a suit to me. But it isn’t a very good picture.”

“I know, but I’m not giving up,” Edna said pointedly. “I know people don’t believe me, but I’ve seen it in that first picture that got lost. I know it’s out there, and I will prove it.”

Barry squeezed her shoulders gently. “I have no doubt you will. Will you both stay with Kathy until her mom arrives? I need to get to the Hollisters’.”