“And how does this crazy man think WWIII is going to happen?” Fury asked.
“By taking out digital means of banking first. For modernized countries, it would cause chaos, hunger, and rioting. Then, electronic communications would be eliminated. Next, enemy forces would sweep in. For countries that don’t allow their citizens to own weapons, the forces stationed in the nation would be the only defense.”
Centurion leaned forward. “Is that possible?”
Con looked at her and nodded. “It isn’t outside the realm of possibility.”
“Hackers are testing systems all the time,” Ethan agreed. “But as of yet, there hasn’t been any indication Eisenberger has any foundation to stand on. He’s just one of the many doomsday voices.”
“Why was the Undersecretary of Defense with him?” Fury asked.
Archangel leaned forward. “As of this moment, all this information is classified at the highest levels. We have suspected for some time Anne Trueman has been involved with Molchalin.”
“Then why would he kill her?” Centurion asked.
“She’s a liability.” Fury shrugged. “Or she was making a power grab, and Molchalin wasn’t happy about it. He killed her. We have the evidence. It was personal. Otherwise, he’d have had one of his goons kill her.”
“Why Eisenberger?” Ethan threw the question out there.
“No one in the government is talking about Eisenberger. Ethan, I need you to learn everything about the man. I want to know what he ate for lunch the day he died, and I want to know what he was working on and with who.”
“And the Undersecretary?” Con started typing.
“Jewell will do that.”
“Is she feeling better?” Ethan and Con asked at about the same time.
“She’s got the flu, but she’s pulling that information between bouts of nausea. Giving her that bit of work is the only thing keeping her from signing back on.” Archangel sighed. “We haven’t had time to go through all the documents you sent us from the Archambeau case, but we’re hoping to find something in them that would lead us to a rationale as to why Molchalin wanted both of them dead.”
“Why in the hell did that guy have everything printed out and not on the computer?” Con groaned. “Living in the Stone Age.”
“Maybe he read Eisenberger’s rantings,” Ethan interjected and laughed. Only he was the only one. Ronnie sat up straight, and Con’s eyes bounced over to her. “Shit, that would explain why he wanted the banks in Switzerland.”
“Explain that,” Archangel barked.
“Sir, they would have the cash deposits, not just digital money. That country's deposits and safety deposit boxes hold at least a quarter of the world’s wealth.” Con stared directly at the screen. “I haven’t read Eisenberger’s manifesto, but what if Molchalin has and is moving to that end? Being the force responsible for dismantling the digital cash system and being the one at the top of the heap when it was all over and done with?”
Archangel took off his glasses but didn’t speak for several long moments. “So, why would he steal the crypto?”
“He could cash it throughout the world and amass billions of dollars in tangible physical assets.” Ronnie was following the bouncing ball, and she didn’t like the direction it was going.
“But we stopped that and moved the money out of his accounts.” Con shook his head.
“It doesn’t mean he doesn’t have other events in progress or scheduled,” Fury growled.
Ronnie opened her mouth to say something, but then … still … “I know this is way out there, but what’s in London that’s physical and more valuable than digital money?”
Ethan snorted. “The crown jewels.”
Ronnie watched as Con’s fingers flew across the keyboard. “Estimated value is from 1.2 to 5.8 billion dollars.”
Fury shook his head. “We’re really getting off track here.”
“Are we?” Archangel asked. “I don’t want to discount any possibility. I’ve alerted the British government we believe Molchalin will land on a farm strip near London. Con, I need you to get to London. Ethan, everything you can dig up on Eisenberger. Also, for everyone, let’s go through what hard evidence we have and dig in. I don’t want to miss a thing. I’ll bring in Alpha and Tori. They’re damn good at puzzles, and Tori will have a fresh eye.”
“So will I,” Ronnie added. “I haven’t been involved in anything with Molchalin yet.”
Fury snorted. “For a damn good reason.”