“Tell me what’s happening.” They’d gotten word Molchalin had escaped custody again.
“The secure holding area was breached. Every one of the people, guards, prisoners, and janitors were killed. Abrasha’scell door was torched open. They cut the hinges and pried the door open. It wasn’t a short operation.”
“And the alarms and cameras?”
“Spoofed and looped. I was talking to Magus about the technical expertise it would take, and he said we’re looking at someone his or Merlin’s caliber.”
“And the British government?”
“They’re handling it as if it is a national security issue.”
Gabriel bounced the eraser tip of a pencil on the top of his desk. “Get to Kowalski, give him the deal. He’s released only if we find Molchalin and only if he hasn’t been alerted to our inquiry.”
“He may just sit on his ass for another year,” Jason admitted what Gabriel had been thinking.
“Then sweeten the pot for the man. Two million with the authority to go to five. But if we find out he’s screwed us, he knows the consequences.” Gabriel chuckled. “Send Fury. He has a lot of built-up angst. Tell our man to make Kowalski an offer he can’t refuse.”
Jason chuckled. “I expected Con to come on and quote the movie that line came from.”
“He’s … unique, but in the same way Jewell is unique. They have so much intelligence it comes out in ways we’re not used to handling.”
“True,” Jason agreed.
“Centurion is officially done. Retire her code name. She’s out.” The lightness that statement gave him could not be described. He was so grateful she chose to walk away.
“Is she in agreement?”
“She initiated it,” Gabriel admitted. “I want her to be able to work with Con when he needs assistance.”
“Is she that technically proficient?”
“No, but I’m sure Con will get her up to speed on what he needs assistance with, just like Jewell did for Bengal.”
“Speaking of Jewell, we’re going to need to schedule some downtime for her in about seven months.”
Gabriel sat up. “Are you serious? Congratulations to both of them.”
“I’ll pass that on. She’s terrified she won’t be a good mom because of the way she relates to people.”
“Nonsense, she’ll be fantastic, and I know Bengal has to be beside himself. Anything they need, we’ll make happen.”
“She suggested promoting Con to her level and bringing Honor back on in a node.”
“How’s she doing? Honor, I mean?” Gabriel was glad Sage was with the woman. She’d hit bedrock, and if he hadn’t been there to pick her up, Honor might not have made it.
“She’s a recovering alcoholic, and she’s taking it day by day as she should be. Together, she and Sage are doing very well.”
“Let’s get Wheeler to do one of his comprehensive interviews with her. If he believes she isn’t a risk, make it happen.”
“I already called him.” Jason chuckled.
“Sorry, it’s so easy to slip back into your shoes.” Gabriel smiled. He didn’t miss it, but he’d done Jason’s job for so long it was second nature.
“No worries. The next hurdle is what do we do if and when we get a location on Molchalin.”
“That isn’t a hurdle. We bring in Maximus.”
Gabriel heard the long, heavy sigh from his CEO. “He’s a loose cannon, Gabriel. Valkyrie and Smith with Malice would be a better fit if he’s in Russia.”