Page 13 of Centurion

“Yeah, no,” she said. “So, can you make the call for me?”

“This is the last favor today.”

“Thanks, Mom. I love you.”

“When you get your way,” Anna drawled.

“No, ma’am. Every minute of every day. You’re the best momma in the world, and you know I mean every word.”

“I do. Now, let me hang up, so I can get the gossip for you.” Anna laughed, and the line was disconnected.

Ronnie got up and put the printed documents into the file that was now getting close to an inch thick.

“Centurion, over.”

Ronnie closed her eyes and dropped her head. Her father. “Yes, sir.”

“I’m not happy about you getting involved with anything to do with Abrasha Molchalin.”

“Noted.” She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of begging.

“But as you pointed out to your handler, we wouldn’t pull one of the others off the case if they’d initiated it.”

She let out a breath she’d been unconsciously holding. “Thank you.”

“But there are conditions.”

“Which are?”

“I’m sending backup. You don’t have a choice; if you don’t accept it, you’re off the case.”


“Valkyrie and Smithson would be my first choice, but he’s been injured. I’ll check on his status. Smithson is Abrasha Molchalin’s son. If not, I’ll send Malice.”

Well, that made her sit up and take notice. “Back to Smithson, we’re confident he’s on our side?”

“Beyond a shadow of a doubt. He’s been through hell, and he’s never wavered.”

“What about the others? Val, Con, or Malice?”

“No hesitation in them working with you. Fury also has a baby assassin in London, and you can pull that asset in if needed.”

“What is his name?”

“Hername is Raven.”

“Three female Shadows on one case. Molchalin doesn’t stand a chance.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. He isn’t someone to be taken lightly.”

“And I never would.” She shouldn’t have made a joke. “You know that.”

“I do. Your mother and I are flying to London.”

“Why?” She dropped her head to her hand.

“Not that I need to check my movements with you, but we’re stopping there for a couple of days before we go to France and visit Grandma’s gravesite. It’s been a couple of years since we’ve been there.”