Gabriel leaned forward in his chair and stared at the pencil on his desk. “No. Maximus will be the weapon we use. We’re sending a message on this one, my friend. Those who dare to threaten this country and our allies will be destroyed. Val,Smith, and anyone else necessary will work on the case with Maximus, but he will be the destruction of Abrasha. We will find this bastard, trap him, and then we’ll let Maximus loose on him. Abrasha is coded and a wanted criminal in the open. He. Is. Ours. And Maximus will send a message.”
Jason sighed. “That’s a gory message, Gabriel. Maximus is a cross between Fury and Phoenix with a dash of Ice. Letting him go will make huge waves.”
“And it’s exactly what’s needed. Trust me, my friend, people are watching this bastard and taking notes.”
“All right. I’ll do whatever it takes.” Jason acknowledged the direction they were heading.
“In this case, it will take all of us, and Maximus will leave the statement that we’ll search down the monsters in this world for as long as it takes,” Gabriel added. “Make sure Abrasha doesn’t slip through our fingers, and make sure Maximus knows his leash is off.”
“Yes, sir,” Jason said.
“Saint is clear.” He put the phone down and gazed out of his node. His daughter was sitting with Con, and he was pointing at things on the computer screen. She laid her head on his shoulder, and his arm came around her protectively.
Gabriel closed his eyes and said a silent prayer of thanks for all the people under his care. They emerged unscathed from this mission, and for that, he was truly grateful.
Six months later:
Gabby walkedon the hard-packed white sand beach of the private island. It was her father’s, not Con’s mother’s. They couldn’t be half the world away from a node, but they were taking a long weekend. They’d come back to the States to pack Con’s clothes and a few of his must-have personal belongings. The small transit would reach her house before they would return, but it would be there when they arrived. They were officially living together now, and he operated in the British time zone, which stretched the coverage of the nodes.
She bent down and picked up a starfish that had somehow beached itself. She walked it down into the water and watched as it moved, slipping farther into the tide. That was how she felt right then. As if Con had found her, beached and dying, and returned her to her proper environment. Six months had changed so much. She’d found the man she loved. She hadn’t told him in so many words, but he knew. Just as she knew he loved her.
Gabby stood up and looked down the beach. She smiled when she saw him round the corner of the island. His spectacular body wasn’t a joke. He worked hard at keeping fit. The heat and sweat had plastered his hair down, and the last three days had deepened both of their tans. He stopped about ten paces ahead of her and bent down, grabbing his knees. “Too far,” he panted in between heaving lungfuls of air.
“I told you.” She laughed and ran a finger down his spine. He popped up straight and spun around. He grabbed her hand, and they started strolling back toward the middle of the island, where the main house and several bungalows were located. When they made it to the pool, Con toed off his shoes, pulled off his socks, and dove in. She made her way to a chair and watched as he swam back and forth in the water. The butler came out of the house with two large icy drinks and the envelope she’d asked him to bring out. She put both drinks on the table beside her and took the envelope. She didn’t need to examine the seal; the staff was completely loyal, yet she still looked. What was in the envelope was the most important information she possessed.
Con lifted himself out of the pool and shook like a dog, sending the water from his long hair all over the place. She laughed as he staggered a bit after the shake. He grabbed a towel and draped it over his neck.
“Ah, nectar of the gods!” He took a long swig of the peach and mango juice that was thinned out with a bit of sparkling water. “Whatcha got there?” He pointed to the envelope as he sat down next to her.
“I have an NDA I want you to sign.” She bit her lip.
“Okay.” He patted his wet swimming suit. “I don’t have a pen. Do you want it in blood?”
She shook her head. “Aren’t you going to ask why I want you to sign it?”
“Nope. Don’t care. I’ll sign anything you ask me to sign.” He looked around. “Where’s Darnell? He’s always around.”
She’d told the staff to make themselves scarce, so they’d have privacy. “I have a pen in the envelope.” She broke the seal and handed him the pen and the seven-page NDA agreement.
Con took the pen and wiped his hands before he thumbed to the back page and signed and dated the agreement. “Okay.”
Gabby shook her head. “You have no idea what you just signed, do you?”
“An NDA. You wouldn’t lie to me, and you wouldn’t do anything to hurt us, so I’m not worried.”
She blinked at him. “You’re a mess, Conner, you know that, right?”
“But as I keep telling you, I’m your mess. So, fess up. What’s so important I had to promise never to tell a soul?”
“My real name. My family's real name.” She put the NDA back into the envelope and turned to him. “My name is Gabrielle Jacqueline Xavier.”
Con blinked and then started to laugh. “No wonder.”
“That we take such pains to keep our identity concealed?” She’d hoped he would understand, and it seemed like he did … maybe … but she didn’t think it was funny. Why would he?
“No, no … I get that. I do. When I asked your dad for permission to marry you, he told me I needed to wait to make sure I was ready to take on the entire responsibility of who you were. I had no idea what in the hell he was talking about.” He turned and stared at her. “I don’t care. I’ll protect you and your family. I will give my life to protect your secrets. I love you, Gabby. Will you marry me?”