Page 27 of Centurion

Jewell sent the mission directives to Brando and terminated the conference call, ensuring all lines were closed and the secure transmission was halted. She put her head down on the desk, and a tear slipped past her eyelashes. Could she be pregnant?


Ronnie rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling of the private jet. The lights were framed in an oak checkerboard pattern. She’d tugged carpet, removed panels, worked through the cargo hold, checked out the avionics bay, inspected every bolt, nail, and thread of the furniture, and couldn’t find anywhere Abrasha could have hidden.

“Centurion, check in.” That was Fury again.

She tapped her earpiece. “Nothing … yet.” She wasn’t ready to give up. There had to be a place in that jet where he’d hidden. A person didn’t just disappear.

“Did you check the avionics bay?”

Ronnie sighed, “Yes. Not my first rodeo or private aircraft. I’m taking five and then starting again. Something has to be here.”

“Copy,” Fury said, and her earpiece went silent.

She stared at the lights on the ceiling and replayed that morning's conversation with Con.

She’d slept longer than she’d wanted and found him in the kitchen. He had a pan of eggs cooking. When he saw her, he smiled. “May I make you some breakfast?”

“Thank you,” she said and walked into the kitchen. “One egg. Have you started the toast?”

“No, I wasn’t sure where it was. I felt awkward rummaging around for the pan and the eggs.”

She snorted and opened a cabinet where the toaster lived. She pulled it out onto the counter. “White, wheat, or sourdough?”

He blinked at the question. “Whatever you’re having.”

She put two slices of frozen sourdough bread into the toaster, set the timer to defrost, and then toasted the bread. She leaned against the counter and watched him as he studiously studied the eggs. Breaking the silence, she began, “Look, about yesterday …”

He turned toward her, and before she could say anything else, he said, “I’m sorry about that. I haven’t had a lot of experience with assassins. I made you uncomfortable. I shouldn’t have said what I did. Just forget I ever mentioned it.”

She walked over to him. “You told the truth. Never stop doing that. The truth is all we have sometimes.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder and handed him the spatula. “You should probably put those on a plate.” Going to the cabinet, she retrieved two plates for him to use. She set them beside the range and went to the refrigerator before pulling out a pitcher of orange juice and putting it on the table, along with two glasses and silverware. By the time she was done, the toast had popped up, and she buttered it and took it to the table.

Con pulled her chair out for her and sat down. “Regardless, I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need to be. I have a difficult time letting people get close. My past has a pretty traumatic event in it that created a substantial roadblock for me to overcome. I’ve become insulated from the world. My sister reminded melast night I needed to be open to taking chances and moving forward.”

That crooked grin of his spread across his face. “My brother told me I needed to back off and hope like hell you didn’t kick me out on my ass.”

She laughed and shook her head. “How about I don’t kick you out, and you don’t back off?” She held up a finger. “Don’t back off on us. That doesn’t include my identity. That remains a closed book … for now.”

“So, there’s a possibility you’ll fill me in someday?” He took a bite of his toast after he asked.

She stared at him for a moment. “Yes.” She nodded. If things progressed, maybe. She’d take the chance with the man—the one who took the time to see through her façade.

“Then I’m satisfied.” Con reached to place his hand over hers. “I won’t push on that. You have my word.”

Turning her hand up, she held his. “Then we should be good.”

She leaned forward, and he met her halfway. She could taste the butter on his lips and tongue as he kissed her.

“Yo, bro, are you guys in England awake yet?” Brando’s voice made her jump.

Con groaned and flopped back into his chair. “Is everyone trying to keep us apart?”

“Maybe.” Ronnie laughed at his over-the-top angst and tapped her earpiece. “We’re here. What’s up?”

“Hey, Ronnie. Con, we have our assignments for the day. Ronnie, they want you to go to the aircraft and find out where Abrasha was hiding.”