“What he looks … oh, damn, he is attractive. I was thinking pimple-faced, thick glasses, and a pocket protector.”
“No, more like hair a bit too long, eighties’ band T-shirts, tight jeans, and built like a stud.” She sighed. “Our first mission was to the island where Ice found the computer equipment.”
“Yeah, I remember that. You jumped in with him strapped to you. I so want to do that.” Charley laughed. “Next time you do a HALO, you have a tandem jumper.”
“Deal. Anyway, we talked a lot before the jump and afterward when we were working. Now, we’re on this mission, and it’s so hard to concentrate when he looks at me like he wants to eat me.”
“Oh, I know that look.” Charley laughed. “Let. Him.”
“Seriously?” She laughed.
“Absolutely. Let the good times roll … in the sheets, as it were.”
She shook her head, bringing the conversation back to her concerns. “Charley, he’s not like the other guys I’ve known. He doesn’t want money.”
“Right, how on earth would you know that?”
“His mom is O. H. Solomon.”
Charley snorted. “Okay, so no need for money. So, why are you hesitating? Go for it. I mean, if you like this guy, don’t push him away.”
“But Dad …”
“Has a life of his own, and you deserve one, too. Do what I did. Find the one, fall in love, andthentell Dad he’s the one. You know he’ll do the ‘Don’t hurt my baby’ thing, but if the guy’s in love with you, it won’t matter. He’ll stand through the interrogation.”
“But what if he isn’t the one, Charlotte? We’ve met twice and had two kisses.” She stood up and started pacing. “How do I let myself be open to this adorable man-child who’s a savant on the computer? What if he just wants sex?”
Charley sighed. “First, don’t call me Charlotte because that sends shivers down my spine. I think I’m in trouble. And if he just wants sex, then have some mind-blowing, body-bending fun, Gabby. Youcanhave a relationship. I promise nothing will go wrong if you do. Well, unless you don’t use a contraceptive, then …”
“Charley!” she gasped.
“What? You show up preggers with no daddy in tow, and you know what’ll happen. Dad’ll go ballistic.”
“Thanks. I needed that image in my head.” She ran her hand through her hair, pushing it out of her face.
“Oh, stop. Just take precautions. You’re a careful person, too careful at times, so protect yourself. And listen, if, and I repeat,ifit becomes serious with Con, then Dad is just the next step. The hard part is allowing yourself to have fun and find out if this guy is the one for you. Don’t walk away from a good thing. I don’t need you to protect me anymore, Gabby. I don’t need you to be a Shadow.”
She sighed. “I know. Being a Shadow is something I’ve done for me. I never want to be afraid again, and the people I’m assigned are fucking monsters who deserve what they’re dealt.”
“Sometimes, I think you were more traumatized by my abduction than I was,” Charley said softly.
“Unfortunately, that’s the consensus,” Gabby agreed. It took a hell of a lot of therapy for her to get past what had happened to her sister.
“Take a page out of my book, will you? Allow yourself to throw caution to the wind. Just enjoy the time you have with him.”
“I don’t know how to do that.” She pulled her katana out of its holster at her back and tossed it in the air, catching it by the handle each time.
“Sure you do. Play, Gabby. There’s nothing stopping you from having fun with this guy. Nothing but your own whacked-out sense of duty to the family and me. Drop it. Dad and Mom have the best security. I have Smoke and my training, and the boys … well, you know they’d never forgive you if they thought you weren’t enjoying life because of some sense of duty to them. It’s time to live your life foryou.”
She stared out the window at the gardens that stretched out from the back of her home. “Okay. Thanks, Charley.”
“That’s Gabby speak for ‘I heard you, but I’m not going to listen to you’.” Charley sighed.
“No, that’s ‘I’m exhausted, I’m confused, and I think he’s so damn handsome. And, Charley, when he kisses me … I melt. I justmelt.”
“Then hang up, take a nap, and go get yourself melted.” Charley’s voice held a smile.
“I think that’s a good plan.” She smiled as she spoke. “Thanks.”