Page 16 of Centurion

She tapped his ear, and he frowned, activating his device. “What?”

“That’s rude, and I feel like shit.” Jewell’s hoarse voice came across the connection.

“Sorry, princess. Food poisoning?” Con let Ronnie move away from him. Not willingly, of course, but still, he couldn’t keep her captive. Or could he? He immediately smiled before batting that thought away.Bad, Con. No captives.

“I have no idea. Zane will make me go to the doctor if I can’t get this nausea under control. He’s a massive worrywart.Anyway, AnneTrueman was on personal time. According to the personnel department’s computer systems, the vacation was scheduled over six months ago. She has no known connection with Eisenberger or anyone else at the gala, except for the presumed affiliation with Molchalin through his daughter.”

“What about her finances?” Ethan asked.

“Nothing other than the standard deposit every month from Uncle Sam. She has small savings, some investments, and a healthy 401K. Her health insurance and all other bills are paid. There’s nothing out of the norm.”

“Any offshore accounts?” Con asked as they were whisked through the streets.

“None I can find.”

“What about accounts for relatives, friends, lovers?” Con had seen several government stooges send their ill-gotten gains to accounts in the names of sisters, wives, and even moms and dads.

“I didn’t check that. I can run it. What do we have on Eisenberger?”

“No,” Con said, shaking his head. “Archangel said you were off the case with the exception of digging around on Ms. Trueman. We’ve got this. Go lay down and feel better. We need you at a hundred percent.”

Jewell groaned, “You’re as bad as they are.”

“Which I will take as a compliment. Put the information in our shared server, and we’ll finish the search for stashed monies. Seriously, Jewell, we have this. I’ll bring in Brando, so he and Ethan can tag team, but I’m here onsite with the principle for the case. You can rest assured we’ve got this.”

“He’s right, Jewell. Get some sleep and take care of yourself. I promise if there’s something we can’t handle, I’ll call,” Ethan added his two cents.

Jewell mumbled something, and Con heard the ping of the shared folder from Ethan’s computer. “I’m clear.” Jewell sighed and dropped off.

“She really isn’t feeling well, is she?” Ethan asked. “She’s never given up that easy before.”

“True that. Hopefully, Zane can get her to the doctor.” Con glanced out the window. “We’re coming up to the airport. I’ll contact you when I’m up and running.”

“Copy,” Ethan said, and Con hit his earpiece, silencing his side of the comms. He stretched his arm across the back of the seat and leaned into the corner, looking at Ronnie. “If I ever get you alone …”

She lifted a single eyebrow, which was something he’d never been able to do. He’d tried. “Care to finish that statement?” She cocked her head, almost defying him to finish his thoughts out loud.

“I do, and I care to finish more than just those words. Do you feel the same?” God, please say yes.

She leaned back into her corner of the limo’s bench seat and stared at him. “Depends on what you’re feeling.”

Con dropped his arm and pushed his hair back from his forehead. “I feel like I’m on fire, that my nerves are burning with some kind of Ronnie acid. The kisses are tormenting and complete hell because I want so much more, but I don’t ever want to stop kissing you.” He frowned. “Does that make me a sadist?”

“Masochist,” she said.

He blinked. “Right. Sorry, I was distracted by the sexiest woman in the world. Does that make me a masochist?”

She lifted a shoulder in a slight shrug and answered, “No. If it did, it would make me one, and I don’t have any kinks.”

Con’s laugh was immediate. “Have you sampled all the flavors of kink out there?”

She shook her head. “I’ve never had the desire or a partner willing to experiment.”

“So, you don’t know if you have any kinks.” Con smiled at her. “I’m willing to submit myself as a willing partner for any experimentation you want. Except for that masochistic thing. Not into that.”

She laughed. “Maybe we should get past the second date before discussing experimentation. A lady does have to have standards.”

“Is the standard a second date?” The car pulled off of the accessway into the perimeter road for the airport.