Page 62 of War

Kill me.

Bending down before me, he grasps my cheeks.The touch burns.The man before me is not a man at all.He’s the fucking devil in carnate.

“Then Jericho texted saying he could meet.I’d been waiting for this meet.Those cunts think they’re above me.He kept me waiting for weeks.”

He skims his thumb over my bottom lip absentmindedly, lost to his memories.“I was wasted and thought the truck would be less likely to attract unwanted attention from cops.”

That’s why Jericho said Tyler looked shocked.He didn’t know she was there.

“She must have fallen asleep waiting.”He shrugs.

“She trusted you,” I whimper.“You were a brother to her—a protector.You disgust me.”

“Don’t you think I know that!”he booms.“I didn’t expect her to act like a fucking wild cat !She was in a frenzy and fucking shot Jericho Cox.She ruined everything I was working toward.”

“She was a kid.It was Harley, Ty.Harley.”

Her image blazes into my mind.How confused she must have felt.

“I was so fucking angry.”He gets to his feet, scrubbing his hands down his face.“One minute, I was yelling.The next, I was squeezing her throat, my fingers digging into her flesh.”An unnatural wail slashes through the air as my heart disintegrates.“I felt her fucking pulse slow against my thumb.Her eyes were wide and shocked, the red veins bursting the harder I squeezed.Then she just stopped.Her body stilled under mine.”

“Stop!Please stop!Oh god…”

“You wanted answers, here they are.”He rumbles, the veins in his neck bulging.“I didn’t even feel her nails shredding my shoulders as I took her life.”He yanks down the neck of his shirt over his shoulder, turning to show me the thin white lines there.Memories of him shirtless the night after she died, seeing the claw marks and putting them down to Jenna…Vomit chases up my throat and spills from my lips, puddling on the carpet at my feet.

“She was a fighter.Like you.Right to the end.”He yanks my heart straight through the bones of my ribcage.He sounds proud.I hate him with every fiber of my being.

“It was an accident, Princess.”

“It was murder, you son of a bitch,” I snarl.“How could you just be okay with what you did?I came to you looking for her.”

“I couldn’t take it back.She was fucking dead.What was I supposed to do?”he yells, holding his hands out.

Cold, heartless devil.

“Own it!Tell me!You watched me unravel, Tyler.”

“Nope.You would have left me,” he states, like he’s talking about cheating or drinking too much on a night out.I shake my arms, trying to get free.

“I left you anyway.”I growl.

“You’re mine.You’ll never leave me again.”His palms clasp my head, and his lips crash against my mouth.

I hope it tastes like vomit, fucker.

Opening my lips, I snap my teeth out, capturing his bottom lip and biting down until the skin pops, bursting his blood into my mouth.

I was never his.I know that now.

“Arghhh.”He growls, pulling away.Wild eyes scan my face, his fingers dabbing at the injury I inflicted.

“Are you trying to turn me on, Princess?”

“Why her tattoo?How could you mutilate her like that?”I ask, distracting him from his arousal.

He blows out a puff of air, smacking a hand to his arm.“It’s just flesh, Princess.She was dead, what would she care?”

Rage turns my bones to cement.“Why?”I demand.