Page 59 of Conner

She just shook her head.

“Okay, I'm gonna grab some lunch.” In this room was a buffet they had for the players, it was full of all kinds of whole grains, proteins, and veggies. Conner made himself a bowl and sat next to Sasha.

“How did talking to Hillary go?”

Sasha sighed. “It was fine, she was understanding. I hate that we’re doing this.”

Conner looked at her, “Is there something you're not telling me?” he asked.

“I’m nervous. She asked if I had the information from my old accounts because they might want it for a cyber forensic team.”

Conner just nodded and waited for her to continue.

“I’m worried they will say I brought it on myself. That's why I ran last time. I just don't want to deal with that.”

“Why would they ever say that?” Conner growled.

“Some of the posts were kind of suggestive. I mean I modeled clothes companies would send me, that included bikinis and lingerie from time to time.”

He looked over at her now with a different look on his face. “Well, I think you should show me first. Just so I can get a better idea about what you're talking about,” he said with a raised eyebrow. “For strictly protective purposes.”

“You really want to see some of my old accounts. I still have them. They’re just set to private. Soon there will be people pouring over them and all the team's socials too. I hate it. It feels so invasive.”

He set his fork down and fully turned to Sasha and pulled her into a big hug. He hated that she was going through this. He imagined for someone like Sasha whose job had been about cultivating an image, this would be hard for her. She melted into his embrace, and he would be lying to say it didn't make his chest swell just a bit. The trust she had in him bolstered him.

“And if you want to show me, of course, I would never say no to looking at pictures of you, but that’s up to you,”

She picked up her phone and pulled up her old account and handed it to him. He felt like this was an important step for them. He wasn't sure why, but the fact that Sasha was putting her trust in him in so many ways felt nice. But once her phone was in his hand that pride gave way to lust because, damn. He knew Sasha was beautiful. He appreciated all different sides of her, the glamorous side, the cozy at home side, the sexy side they were starting to explore, but he was not prepared for this.

As he scrolled, he stopped on some pictures of her in a bed with some incredible lace number on, he wished he was a better man and he didn't have an erection, but his dick didn't care whether now was the time or place. He kept scrolling and there were some of her in dresses, everyday clothes, out in a boat in a red bikini, and some of her out to lunch with friends.

“Sasha, I know it goes without saying, but you’re fucking gorgeous.”

She smiled bashfully and looked away with a sigh.

“What is it, baby?” he asked, placing his hand on her knee.

“I know you think I'm gorgeous, I think so too. I just hate the thought of people digging through all of this, all the DMs, all that stuff. And also, my apartment. I'm sure they will have to go through all my things. It all feels so invasive.”

“I’m sorry, Sasha. How can I best be here for you?”

“Just keep doing what you're doing? Who would have thought you would be such a comfort after how crazy you drove me just a few weeks ago.”

“I mean I still drive you a little crazy,” he said, bending his head for a kiss. “But just in a much better way.”

The sound of the players coming in off the ice filled the hallway. Sasha sat a little straighter but stayed next to him. Cash came into the room still covered in sweat.

“Everything good? I saw you two take off and I just wanted to check in.”

Sasha smiled at him. For the tough guy exterior the team's enforcer had on the ice, Cash was one of the best guys she knew.

“Yeah,” she answered. “I told Hillary this morning. There is a big meeting with the security team and some other people in a little bit. Conner is going with me.”

Conner and Cash shared a nod.

“Okay, let me know if you guys need anything,” Cash said.

“Will do,” Conner answered. Cash turned to head into the locker room.