Page 57 of Conner

“No, don't you dare apologize. You did nothing wrong. We’ve dealt with some of the players having overzealous fans before, so we do have a protocol to follow. I don't know if it has ever been this intense, but I'm glad you came to us.”

Sasha just nodded. That made sense that they had a protocol that made her feel a tiny bit better.

“So, this was a stalker from before, but he found you from my post, and now he is here in Glendale and found you at the gala. Is there anything else?”

Sasha looked down at the phone in her hands.

“What else is there?” Hillary asked with apprehension filling her voice.

Sasha opened the account and pulled up the dm that had a picture of her bedroom and handed her phone to Hillary.

“What is this? Is this your bedroom?” Hillary looked up at her with wide eyes.

Sasha nodded and brushed away the tear that had started to stream down her cheek.

“Oh Sasha,” Hillary stood up from her desk, walked around, and wrapped Sasha into a hug. Part of her wanted to collapse into it, but she knew if she did, she would break down and this was not the time for that. So, she hugged her and then quickly let go.

“What do we do?” she asked, wiping the tears away.

“I’m going to email our security team and we’ll have a meeting. We’ll have to contact the police. Are you okay with that?”

She nodded. She wasn't okay with that, she wasn't okay with any of this, but it was either this or run. And as much as she hated to admit it, running was sounding better and better, but she had already done it.

“Do you have a safe place to stay?” Hillary asked as she was typing on her laptop.

“Yeah, I've been staying at Conner's house since Saturday.”

“Conner McPhee?” She asked, looking up with a neutral look on her face. Sasha nodded. “Good, he has a protected home.” She turned her attention back to the computer. When she finished typing, she looked up at Sasha with a concerned expression.

“Okay, so when I hear back from this, we’ll have a meeting with our security team and the police. We'll get this figured out.”

“I’m so sorry to cause such a mess right before playoffs. I know this is not what people want to be dealing with,” she said looking down at her hands tightly grasped in her lap.

“Sasha, I'm the one who's sorry. I shouldn't have posted that. I thought I was doing something nice, but it clearly backfired. That's what I get for trying to do a job when you are the expert,” she said with a kind smile. “Can I get you anything?”

“No, I think I'm just going to clear my head. I'll be around, just let me know when the meeting is.”

“Okay, do you have all the older account information from the first time?” asked Hillary.

“Yeah, it's all on my laptop and my phone.”

“Okay, they’ll probably have a cyber forensic detective. I know that can feel invasive, but your safety is our top concern.”

“Yeah, I appreciate that. I'm just going to take a walk and clear my head.”

“Okay, but please stay in the building. It's safe here.”

She nodded before taking her bag and leaving. How had things gotten so messed up? She knew it wasn't her fault, but now there were going to be people pouring over her social media from the organizations accounts to the ones she made as an influencer. She didn't feel any shame about the pictures she posted in swimsuits or lingerie, but she didn't want them here at her current job. She didn't want the police telling her she had asked for it because of what she posted. That’s why she didn't go back to the police in the first place.

She started to walk to her office, but Bill was in there, so she just kept going, ending up by the ice. She didn't want to interrupt Conner, but she did want to be near him.

Once she opened the door, the cool air that immediately hit her in the face felt good. The sound of the players calling to each other and their skates on the ice were a welcome distraction.

As quietly as she could she made her way to one of the seats in the back, watching the players skating and running plays. Conner was calling out plays while he and Sven tried to solidify some of the plays that him and Wes had been able to do like it was second nature. It had been hard changing that line mid-season with Wes out, but Conner could do it. Sasha was fairly convinced he could do anything. As she sat watching Conner on the ice, she tried to push away all the thoughts. Here with him near she felt safe, but it didn't do anything to stop the dread of the meeting that was coming.

Last year at this time, she was dealing with this same problem. She had cut and run, but this time she wasn’t going to do that. She wouldn't do that because she liked her job, she enjoyed working for this organization.

But as she watched Conner skate, call out plays, encourage those around him, and take the puck to the net, she knew another reason she didn't want to leave. Her life seemed to be moving in slow motion ever since the gala, but her and Conner were moving at warp speed. Only four days ago he had asked her to dance at the gala, they'd had that perfect moment on the dance floor. She could feel the spark and the magic dancing between them, she knew that moment was important.