Page 38 of Conner

“You look good in my clothes, you know that?” he said with a cocked eyebrow.

“You look pretty good in your clothes too,” she said with a small smile. “I should probably check the team's socials,” she said, dread heavy in her voice.

“Are you sure you have to do that tonight?”

She nodded. “I just have to get on and turn off comments, then I’ll be able to deal with it all in the morning.”

He came and stood behind her and slipped his arms around her waist. “I’m right here, and you're safe.”

She pulled up the socials and turned off the comments on all the posts. “I don't know what I'm going to do, Conner,” she said, trying to control the emotions coursing through her. She turned in his embrace and buried her face in his chest. He was so sturdy and his arms around her made her feel safe, but she just couldn't shake what she was going to have to face in the morning.

She looked up at him, his eyes full of compassion. Reaching up on her toes she kissed him, and he kissed her right back. She bit his bottom lip slightly and he groaned and deepened the kiss. She gladly got lost in the kiss. The pull she felt to him was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Even if they weren't dealing with her stalker tonight, she knew that magic that danced between them when they touched would still be there. It had been there all along. It was why they fought so much, but maybe now they could be done fighting. Breaking the kiss, she looked up at him.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“I just wanted to. I think I've probably wanted to for a long time,” she said as she walked to the counter to get her tea. She blew and took a sip.

“Me too. And I should apologize, I was trying to push you away, but I think I just came off like a big jerk. I was trying to not let you distract me and my game was off, but I see now that’s a lost cause. I think you might be my good luck charm anyway,” he said with a wink.

“Distract you?” she said with a smile.

“Yes, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, Sasha. You must know how distracting you are.”

She just smiled at him as she sipped her tea. Part of her wished she was here with him tonight under different circumstances, but there was nothing she could do about that. Everything was up in the air and there was still a man who had followed her halfway across the country, but here in Conner's kitchen wearing clothes that smelled like him she felt safe, and that was enough for tonight.



Conner was settling into his own bed. Sasha was down the hall in his guest room safe and sound.

He would give anything for her not to be down the hall from him, but here in his bed. He wouldn’t push her. It had been a rough night for her, and she needed her space. He wouldn’t take advantage of the situation and try anything with her when her mind was still all over the place.

But when he came out of his pantry and saw her there in his clothes, his Mystic Falls hockey t-shirt stretch over her incredible curves, it was all he could do to not just pick her up and fuck her right there on the counter. He hadn't been with anyone like that in a while, but he was hoping that would change.

First, he had to help her figure out how she wanted to deal with the current situation. He hoped she would want to go to the organization, and they would deal with it and catch this guy. Even better if Conner got to kick the crap out of him first, but that would be up to her. He would support her in whatever she wanted to do. The only thing he was certain of is that he would keep her safe while she dealt with it.

He wished he was a better man because he wanted to do nothing but protect her right now, but his damn dick hadn't quite gotten the memo. He was ready to party with the pretty girl down the hall, but it was not the night for that. So, he fisted it in his own hand and got to work taking care of this problem himself. It wasn't going to take long with the images in his head tonight, her in that red dress, her body pressed against his while they were dancing, the amazing kisses they had shared, and once again, his Mystic Falls t-shirt stretched over her amazing tits. At that he spilled into the tissue he had ready with a groan.

He was pulled quickly out of his post orgasmic euphoria by a knock at the door. He disposed of the tissue in the trash can and got up to answer. There before him was Sasha still in his t-shirt but this time just her underwear and damn it if his dick didn't start to twitch back to life.

“What's the matter?” he asked tenderly.

“I’m just spiraling. Whenever I'm alone my brain won't shut off and I keep getting worked up…” She looked up at him with her plump bottom lip trapped between her teeth. “Can I maybe sleep with you?”

Stepping back to let her come in he said, “Of course, I wanted you here in the first place. I just didn't want to pressure you.”

“No pressure felt,” she said, smiling up at him. “I feel better when I'm around you.”

“Well then I'm not leaving your side until we have this all sorted out,” he said, pulling her into his arms. He dropped a kiss on top of her head and led her over to the bed. He sat down and scooted into the middle, pulling the blankets back for her to get in. Much to his delight she climbed right in and scooted over, putting her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest. Her in his bed in his arms felt right. Once this nightmare was over, he intended for it to always be like this.

“Tonight sure didn't turn out like I planned,” said Sasha.

“You can say that again. But be that as it may, I'm happy you’re here with me. I wish it wasn't under these circumstances, but I'll take it however it happens. I’ve wanted you since I first saw you in that hallway on your first day,” he said as he lightly traced his fingers up and down her arms.

“Could have fooled me.”

“I deserve that. I think I was trying to keep you at arms distance because I thought you would be a distraction. I was drawn to you the moment I saw you and I was so focused on the cup this year. So, it seemed like every time I interacted with you, I was always putting my foot in my mouth or just calling you out for behavior you weren't actually doing. I'm sorry about that.”