Page 31 of Conner

“You swore off relationships because of something that happened when you were twenty-one. We’re about to turn thirty. You need to think about if that promise you made to yourself still serves you.”

He wanted to protest, but maybe she was right. Maybe that didn’t serve him anymore.

“Look,” she continued. “We both made some pretty big declarations during that time. I swore off hockey and you swore off relationships. I’ve only just recently begun to realize that wasn’t a good decision. Yes, I needed space from hockey, but in order to cut it out completely I made an absolute mess out of my life.”

She was right. She swore off hockey because she didn’t see a place for herself in the sport after college and it drove her straight into the arms of an abusive fuckhead. Being back on the ice with her a few months ago and seeing her open herself back up with Wes had made him so happy for her. His sister deserved the world, and he knew Wes could give her that.

“It’s not the same,” he said quietly.

“You’re right, it's not the same. Clearly focusing on hockey has been good for you. You have an amazing career and you’re an amazing person.”

“Awww, Kate. I didn’t know you care,” he said, trying to joke with her. She wasn’t someone who was usually sentimental like that.

“Look, when I opened myself up and said yes to you and got back on the ice my life changed instantly for the better. These past couple months have been… well life changing, as dramatic as that sounds. All I’m saying is don’t be so rigid. You’re allowed to be happy and if asking her out would make you happy, then do it.”

Maybe she was right. Maybe he should ask her out.

“You’re not twenty-one anymore. I think you need to trust yourself. Lots of people play and have successful healthy relationships. And if anyone can do it, I know you can.”

“Maybe you're right…”

“Of course, I am. I hate to do this but Wes just got here. I’m leaving the store early today to take Wes to the falls before I bring him back to Glendale tomorrow for the gala.”

“Okay, you guys have fun.”

“Think about what I said though. I want you to be happy.”

“Thanks KitKat. Are you coming to the Gala with him?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”

“Good, I’ll see you then.”

He hung up as he pulled up to his big empty house. Maybe it was time to figure this out once and for all.



It was the day of the gala and Sasha was trying to stay focused on the tasks at hand. But between Conner and anxiety about her stalker’s reappearance, her head was all over the place. Luckily the posts for the day she was able to just copy and paste from the marketing department, so that was easy content, but there was another account that followed her today that had gone through and liked all their old content. That in and of itself wasn't super strange and if she weren't in this current predicament, but everything was suspicious to her now.

The gala was something she had been looking forward to, having a job that allowed her to get this dressed up from time to time was definitely one of the perks. She had on a red sparkly dress that was low cut, had a high slit, and hugged all her curves. Her dark hair was in soft waves and her make-up was perfect with a red lip. She felt amazing. She was slipping her phone into her clutch to head to the gala when she decided to check her phone one last time.

The suspicious account had left a comment on the gala post about how they couldn't wait for a picture from the gala. And once again, it wasn't anything she could block over, though she still had an uneasy feeling.

As she walked into the ballroom, people had just finished setting up she could take some pictures. The tables and the dance floor were perfect. The purple of the magic's logo was everywhere but glammed up. Purple, gold, and celestial patterns filled the space giving it an ethereal quality. She took a picture of the silent auction items, and the entertainers setting up.

Next, she stopped by the player’s auction table. This had been her idea and she was excited to see how it all turned out. There were some great options for the players to get involved with from the rink’s summer hockey program to volunteering for a day at a pet adoption event. She would have to remember that one, hockey players and puppies would be pure social media gold.

Some of the magicians were getting their props ready. Next to them was a little round woman with wild red hair. She must be the fortune teller Wes had told them about. She had just finished setting up her table and was sitting behind it.

“Excuse me ma'am, can I take your picture for the team's socials?”

“I’m not sure what those are,” the woman said. “But feel free to take a picture, lass. My aren't you a pretty thing? You must have to bat away the players all day.”

“All the players here are perfect gentlemen...well most of them,” she smirked.

“I’ve met a couple and I must say they sure are handsome.”