Page 74 of Conner

Sasha sat at her desk with a smile on her face. It had been a week since the last home game. Things with Conner were amazing, she even started to think that maybe there was something much more lasting between them. She hadn't heard anything from her stalker since the message with the camera. They were 1-1 in their first playoff games, they had both been home games. Sasha thought normal season games were intense, but playoffs took things to a whole other level.

Whether it was at his house or on the ice, her and Conner were always together. It was all work at the Magic center, but when they got back to his house, they had settled into a nice rhythm. She hadn't heard anything from the police or the detectives working on her case. She didn't know what to think on that front, but it had been ten days since she'd received the video and there had been no suspicious activity. She was starting to relax a little.

There was a knock at her door, she looked up to see Hilary standing there.

“Hey Sasha, I just wanted to touch base before you guys leave tonight. Are you sure you want to travel with everything going on?”

“Yeah, it's been quiet, and I'll stick close to the team.”

“I’m packed and ready to go if you want me to go instead,” Hillary mentioned with a concerned look on her face.

“I appreciate that, but I can do this. I have posts ready to go for each outcome and some clips to post.”

“If you're sure,” she said.

“I’m sure. Conner and I are going to head home in a bit to get our bags before the plane takes off.”

“Conner, huh? Do we need to let HR know about a relationship?”

Sasha looked up at her with panicked eyes.

“Don't worry,” Hillary said. “You guys are in completely separate arms of the organization. It's totally fine, we just have to give HR notice.”

“Oh,” she said after being caught off guard. “No, not right now.”

Hillary just looked at her with suspicion. “Okay, well, be safe and I'll see you when you get back.”

Hillary left and Sasha finished up a few things before Conner showed up at her door. “Hey beautiful, you ready?” he asked.

Sasha fought a swoon. Things had shifted for them since the last regular season game. Whatever it was that was happening between them felt magic. It wasn't just about her protection anymore. They hadn't talked about it, but there was no question for her anymore. There was something special here with Conner McPhee.

After they went home and grabbed their bags before heading to the plane.

“So, this is the first plane ride since you stopped being an ass,” she said to Conner with a grin.

He just raised his eyebrow and got their bags out of the trunk. They boarded the plane and Sasha sat upfront with the staff and Conner made his way back to the players. It was easy to forget everything was so messed up when she was able to immerse herself in work like this and the excitement of playoffs.

Once they were all at the hotel and the managing staff was passing out room keys Conner made his way over to Sasha.

“I thought we were staying in the same room,” Conner whispered in her ear. Her head was buried in her phone looking at the post of Ethan's incredible save in overtime at the last game, she wasn't even sure what he said.

“Sasha,” he said, grabbing her attention, “did they give you your own room?”

“Oh yeah,” she said, showing him her room key.

“I thought you were staying with me,” he said with eyebrows pinch in disapproval.

“It’s fine. We aren't together so they put us in separate rooms.”

“We aren't together,” he said, giving her a questioning look.

“Not like that...we have to go to HR.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It's nothing we have to deal with now.”

“I don't like this,” he said with a shake of his head. “What room are you in?”