Page 66 of Conner

“But I taught you how to stop,” he said, grinning at her.

“Yes, Conner, you taught me how to stop,” she said, placating him. “Does that sound okay with you?”

“That works for me,” he said, walking over to her and kissing her head. “There's food if you're hungry and if you wanna just chill out and watch tv that's what I'll be doing.”

“I’ll be down. I'm just going to call Evie,” she said, squeezing his hand before he left and made his way back downstairs.

He had just settled himself on the couch with a piece of pizza when he turned and saw Sasha joining him. She made a quick detour to the kitchen to get herself a slice, but then she joined him.

They didn't talk about it; he just handed her the remote and they watched some bad reality tv and ate pizza. It felt surprisingly easy considering the day they'd had.

Once they got in bed, he followed her lead and just snuggled in behind her. He heard her sniffle. “Sasha?” he asked tentatively.

“Please just hold me, Conner.”

And so, he did. He held the woman he was probably in love within his arms while she wept. And the knowledge that there was nothing he could do but hold her ate at him. If this was all he could do, he would gladly do it as long as she needed him too.

After a while she finally drifted off to sleep, but he wasn't letting go of her. He wasn't usually one to cuddle through the night, but he was tonight. He would never let go of her if he had his way.



Sasha had turned her alarm off before she went to bed, knowing she intended on sleeping in. But when she woke, and Conner wasn’t there she was regretting that decision. She wished she would have gotten up with him and done yoga while he worked out. It really was a great way to start a day. But as she sat up the happenings of yesterday all came rushing back to her.

Yesterday had been one of the hardest days of her life. She didn't think she could have gotten through it if Conner hadn't been by her side every step of the way. Just the thought of him made her smile, and after yesterday that was no small feat.

She sat up and stretched as the bedroom door opened. Conner walked in all sweaty and gorgeous and she really was kicking herself for not going to work out with him. She enjoyed her morning yoga, and she really enjoyed her morning yoga with a side of Conner McPhee.

“Good morning,” he said with a small smile. She it felt down deep. “I’m just going to hop in the shower.”

She was tempted to join him, the sex they had in yesterday's shower had been incredible, but she wasn't in the mood. Just thinking about that felt like it was ages ago. How was that only twenty-four hours ago?

While he was in the shower, she texted Evie.

Sasha - Are you still planning on coming over around 8:30? I don't think Conner will want to leave unless you’re here.

Evie - Yep, I had an early training session at the rink. I'm just finishing up over here and I’ll be over. Do I need a code for the gate?

Sasha - Probably, just text me when you get here and I'll take care of it.

She made her way downstairs and opened the fridge, grabbing a piece of cold pizza while she started the coffee maker. She would fix Conner breakfast, but she knew he usually had a smoothie with protein powder and whatever else, so she would just wait.

A couple moments later, he came down the stairs in shorts and a Magic t-shirt. Something about this felt so right. She should be getting ready to go to work with him, but she did need a day off after everything yesterday. And as wonderful as Conner had been, it would be nice to be surrounded by some feminine energy after spending all of her time with the team lately.

Conner smiled at her before grabbing everything needed for a smoothie and started up the blender. They hadn't spoken; it was mostly just passing glances, but she knew he wouldn't try anything because he was so damned respectful. So, when she went to the fridge for some creamer, she walked by him and smacked his ass.

He turned to her with a playful glint in his eye. “I see how it is,” he said as he pinned her to the counter next to the coffee maker. She threw her arms around him and kissed him. He kissed her back and she allowed herself to get lost in this kiss. It was easy to get lost in.

Her phone dinged on the counter across the kitchen.

“Hold that thought,” she said walking away from Conner. He took that moment to smack her ass right back.

Evie - here

“What's the code for the gate? Evie is here.”

“4598” he said.