Page 41 of Conner

“Cash lives two houses down,” Conner said as he went to start making her some breakfast. She looked over at Cash who was sitting at the table with a giant plate of eggs and bacon in front of him. “I told him about everything that happened last night.”

Sasha prickled at this. That was not his business to be telling. She hadn't decided how she wanted to handle it.

“I know you don't know how you want to handle it yet,” he said, looking over at her with a careful look. “I told him because I needed to tell him. I need someone else to know what's happening to keep you safe while you figure it out.”

She nodded and took a deep breath.

“I won't tell anyone. Don't worry about that. Are you okay?” Cash asked.

“Yeah, I'll be fine. I just wish this wasn't happening.”

Both of them nodded. “Still though, we have your back,” Cash said.

“That’s reassuring. Thank you. It's a good thing that I work for a place full of tough guys who are big softies at heart,” she said as she walked over to Conner and slipped her arm around his waist.

“Don't let the word get out. I have a reputation to uphold,” Cash said to her with a cocked eyebrow.

“Your secret's safe with me.”

Sasha took the plate from Conner and moved to the table. She sipped her coffee while Conner and Cash talked about the power play and how they were hoping to tighten it up before playoffs. Sasha absent mindedly put her bacon onto Conner's plate and finished up her eggs.

“So, Sasha, any idea on how you want to deal with this?” Conner asked.

She sighed and then took another long sip of coffee. “I think I really only have two options. Quit and try to find another job.” Conner bristled next to her. She knew that wasn’t what he wanted, and truth be told that was not what she wanted either. Not at all. “Or I can fight this time. I'm not sure what that looks like, but I think I should talk to Hillary and see what she thinks.”

Conner and Cash looked at her waiting for her to decide. She knew both of the men at this table would back whatever decision she made and that felt good. She liked her job here. She liked the people she worked with, and she was even starting to feel like she could make Glendale into a home. It was time to deal with this once and for all.

“I don't want to leave,” she said with finality. Conner's hand found her knee under the table and squeezed it. “So, I guess that means I have to go and talk to Hillary.”

“Do you want me to talk to her with you?” Conner asked with concern written on his face.

“No, I can talk to her. I need to get my car and go to my apartment.”

“You are staying here,” Conner said with such certainty that it pulled at her heart.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I told you. I’m not leaving you alone until this is over.”

“You can't be with me all the time,” she protested.

The glare he shot at her warmed her heart. Was he being unreasonable? Maybe. But did it make her feel good? Yes. She had always dealt with this on her own, it felt good to have someone she trusted to help her.

“What am I supposed to do, Conner? Be on the ice with you?”

“There is a creep after you. You’re staying with me.”

“Okay, I’ll stay with you. But when we're in the Magic Center, I’ll do my job.”

“Okay, but I’ll take you to and from the Magic Center.”

“I do need to get my car and some things for my apartment though.”

“The three of us will go. Cash can drive us, then we can swing by, get your car, and I’ll drive it back here.”

Sasha sighed. As much as she wanted to fight for her independence, she knew she would feel safe here with Conner.

“Let's do this,” Cash said as he waggled his eyebrows.