“As long as you endanger humanity, you will never win over Caleb. Give him Layla; tell him you want her to solve the problem with ICE, and that you don’t want death.”

“I’ll meet with him and agree to share our data, but I won’t give up you or Layla. And you—you need to stand by my side and show unity with me.”

Fuck him, I think, but I remind myself this is a game of chess. Nothing more. “In exchange for Layla’s protection and our fucking privacy in this room,” I counter.

He smirks. “Then you’ll join me?”

“Yes. I’ll join you.”

“Fuck her into submission. I’ll turn off the cameras.”

“How will I know they’re off? I’m not your freak show.”

“You’ll have to take my word for it.”

“I’ll rip them out.”

“Fine. Do it.” He shrugs. “You will walk out of this room with me and stand before my men by my side. Understood?”

The chance to get out of this room and see the place I need to get us out of, since all of its renovations, I’m all in. “Why are we still standing here?”

Chapter fifteen


Three hours of shoppingin the city Julian has created at Groom Lake. It’s really a city, too, with buildings and stores lining cute brick sidewalks and big-name stores. Lots of them, too, and it’s terrifying. It speaks to big money and sponsors of the Zodius, or just plain intimidation by the Zodius.

Either way, the world is in trouble.

With two soldiers and Tad along for the ride, I’ve been forced to buy clothes, perfume, and jewelry, while Tad stares at me with hungry eyes that turn my stomach. The idea, he informed me when this all started, was to make me see what kind of life they can give me here. I’ll be spoiled and treated as a queen. But when our final stop is Victoria’s Secret and Tad enters behind me, I’m on edge and ready to jump or lash out.

We walk past some skimpy bras and panties, and he grabs a bra. “Try this on for me.”

I don’t know what comes over me, as I’m not a violent person, but I whirl around on him and spit on him. “I’ll die before you ever see me like that.”

“Fucking bitch,” he growls, and literally pushes me into a table, colognes and toiletries clamoring to the floor. I can feel the tension and fear in the store’s attendants, women I believe to be as captive as I am, and I hate that my behavior created this in them. “Buy what you need and let’s get the fuck out of here,” he snaps, and to my relief, he steps to the side of the door and stands there.

I breathe out and cast the redhead behind the counter a look of apology, and she returns one of understanding. I wonder if she’s part of the sex camp. I wonder a lot of things. I quickly grab the items I need, including a gown and robe that are more sturdy than sexy, as I’m being watched and gaped at with every move I make. One day, I think, maybe we’ll be free of this place, and I can wear things for Jensen, not the Zodius army. My cheeks heat with the idea and the memory of him between my legs, licking me, and I am damp with the idea of him inside me.

Shaking off the inappropriate thoughts considering Tad is lurking about, I head to the counter and present the credit card I’ve been offered, snatching up a fragrance I know I like from the display. The Zodius soldiers can’t see me smelling good for Jensen.

The woman behind the counter, this one is brunette, offers me a sympathetic look and says, “I heard you’re a scientist they kidnapped.” Her voice is low, barely audible.

“Yes,” I whisper back. “And I’m with a Renegade. I’m hoping they come for us.”

“Oh God, yes.Please.They came months ago, and many of us were rescued, but I wasn’t in the right place.”

“You will be this time.”

Tad steps behind me. “Hurry it up.”

I purse my lips and don’t dare make eye contact with the woman, accepting my bags and rotating to him. “Now what?”

“Now you go back to your room and study the files you’ve been given.”

And that’s exactly what happens. Tad and the two soldiers escort me to the room. By the time we’re there, all of my bags are sitting in the hallway—the ones not in my arms. Tad keys in a code to the door, and it opens. I’m desperate to see if Jensen is in the room, but I’m forced to wait until all of my packages are placed inside. Tad then motions me forward.

With my heart racing, I step into the room to find Jensen standing by the table, his body tense and his chiseled face sharply defined. Tad steps inside, stares down Jensen, and then backs out of the room. The door shuts, and the buzzer signals a lock settling into place.