Page 91 of Second Chance Baby


“Sorry, baby. I just missed you.” Travis had been gone for three nights too, and I’d missed my family hardcore.

How I had ever lived without them for those intervening years?

“It looks incredible! Are you sure our roof isn’t going to cave in with all of those reindeer?”

I laughed. “If it can hold Santa, it can hold the reindeer.”

Carrington rolled her eyes. “Sure, Mom.”

“Bridget, there’s one more surprise, but this one is for you.” Moose grinned sheepishly. “I wanted to get you guys an awesome wedding present, and since family was such a theme this year, I did a deep dive to find one of your relatives. I guess you used to be close with one of your long-lost cousins? Trav mentioned it one day and I tucked it aside to see if I could find the dude.” He swallowed hard and ducked his head. “Oh, I tried to find your mom too, but I wasn’t as successful there, I’m afraid. I promise to keep looking though,” he added quickly, tipping back his head as the snow started falling faster.

I waved a hand, my eyes narrowing. “A long-lost cousin? Who?”

Moose stepped back, sweeping out his arm. “Bridget, your cousin Flynn wanted to add some holiday inspiration. He just was sorry he couldn’t make it to your wedding at the Falls last month.”

“Flynn!” I let out a squeal as the man in question stepped out of the shadows clad in his own wintry costume, though his was supposed to be Frosty the snowman. At least I thought it was.


I ran toward him, and he set aside his battered guitar to scoop me up in a giant hug. “Look at you, Bridget. How long has it been?”

“Many, many years.” I eased back, swiping snow off my face. And maybe a few tears too. Couldn’t help it. “I can’t believe you’re really here. How the hell are you?”

He grinned broadly, his smile barely visible through his dense beard. At least denser since the last time I’d seen him. “Damn good. Had some changes in recent years, but I’ve heard so have you. Hard to keep a career rolling on a steady path these days, right?”

“Oh, I know that one. Though I’m happy as hell since I’m going to start teaching again mid-year. And I have these to keep me busy.” I cupped my fake belly. “Won’t be fake much longer.” I extended an arm to Carrington, drawing her forward to meet my cousin. “And of course, my beautiful girl too though she’ll need me less and less as time goes on. She’s eleven now. Can you believe it?”

“Dream on, Mom.” Carrington smiled shyly at my cousin. “Hi.”

“I remember when she was the tiniest, pinkest little wrinkly baby. A few less wrinkles now,” he teased, stepping forward to give Care a hug of his own.

“I met you as a baby?” She threw a shocked look at me before Flynn let her go.

“You sure did, though your mom wasn’t much older than a baby herself back then. Or that was just how I felt as a grizzled country rock dude.”

I laughed softly. “You still aren’t grizzled. Still doing country rock, I hope? You were always so amazing. Mom loved your songs.”

“Did she now? Too bad your new brother-in-law couldn’t find her for this. But he has faith he will eventually, and his faith is actually pretty contagious. And hey, think your guy has arrived.” He gestured toward the curb where a black car had slid to a stop, letting out Travis and his single bag of luggage.

My guy was definitely a light packer.

Carrington and I jogged over to meet him, taking our turns hugging him. He took one look at my costume and started to laugh, although that didn’t stop him from dragging me in for a long, minty kiss, laced with the flurries now coming down at a steady clip. “I missed you,” I whispered, my eyes filling with happy tears.

So much for no tears. I was too overwhelmed from missing him.

“Ditto, Brig.”

“Hello, husband. I’m so glad you’re back.”

“I missed my girls,” he murmured, drawing me in for a second, even longer kiss while Carrington let out a playful moan of disgust.

“Did you even see my shirt? Jeez, Daddy!”

Laughing, Travis pulled back, his eyes zeroing in on her shirt. “Older sister-to-be? And is that—oh my God. Four footprints?” He swung his gaze to mine, clearly wonderstruck, as I tugged open my coat to reveal my own shirt with arrows aiming at either side of my belly. One side saidplannedand the other saidnot planned but loved just the same.

“Guess we forgot the Mastersons have a history of twins,” I whispered thickly, letting out a joyous squeal as he hauled me up in his arms and gave me about a million kisses.