“But eventually, you ran right back. You need to always complete the sentence. Eventually, you ran back.”
His words echoed in my head for a moment before I gave in and hugged him hard. “Thank you. Travis gave me such a gift. Not only does he love me, but he also gave me this amazing family I’ll never stop being so grateful for.”
“And we are grateful for you too. On that score, I have a very important question to ask you.”
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?”
“I’d very much like to give you away, if it fits with the plans you and my son are beginning to make. Maybe JoAnn can help me with that honor.”
“Absolutely. Oh my God.” I covered my mouth with both hands as my eyes filled. “I would love that so much, thank you.” I hugged him again, squeezing him. “Thank you,” I whispered again.
“You’re welcome, but honestly, it will be my—our—pleasure. You’re making our son very happy, and we couldn’t ask for anything more.”
Sniffling, I nodded, turning to the sound of footsteps, looking back at Travis as he came to a halt in the workshop doorway. I could only imagine how blotchy I must look from tears. “Hey, hey, why you making my girl cry, Dad? What the hell?”
“Good tears only, I promise,” I told him, running into his arms. “Your Dad is the best ever. So is your mom.”
He caught me in his embrace, kissing me hard enough that his dad had to loudly clear his throat to break us apart.
Then he drew me back in to continue once again, making his dad let out a hearty laugh. “Hey, almost Wife. I missed you today. I finally put up Amerie’s Dalmatian in the yard, and she and Care Bear and Biscuit have been running around like maniacs while you’ve been gone on your mystery errand.”
“Blame your dad, though it was for the best reason, and I made it a two-fer trip.” I tugged out my lacy bra strap from under my shirt, and Travis’s eyebrows immediately climbed sky-high. I mouthed the nameUnderneath,and his lips quirked.
Underneath was a new undergarments hot spot in town that I’d visited that afternoon to get some fun stuff for our honeymoon, which I’d already set up for us and warned him about—without yet giving him details when and where, though I would be soon.
Honesty was the best policy for us all the way around.
Needless to say, we’d be naked a lot. Most of the rest of the time, I would be clad in silk and lace. Bonus was I’d found lots of new stuff to fit my new expanding shape. And that wasn’t even considering other ways I hoped it would expand soon.
To prepare, my trunk was full of lingerie and parenting books. I might not have been born with the natural skills for any of this, but I could learn. I fucking hoped, anyway.
At least I was still trying, which was more than I could say for my own mother.
“This is done, by the way.” Hank lifted the wood piece and did something with what looked like a roll of fabric, tucking it inside, and then he held out the box to Travis. “Did you bring what goes in it as requested?”
“I sure did. Wow, look at this.” Travis accepted the rectangular box with a sunburst pattern on top, tracing his fingertips through the grooves. “I knew you did incredible work, Dad, but this is unreal. Thank you so much.” He moved something from his pocket to the box before he pulled his father in for a hard half hug, which his father returned with many manly back pats that I knew had to hurt.
A Masterson hug was apt to leave you with a few bruises, but the squeezes were definitely worth it.
Hank stepped back. “I’ll just leave you alone now.”
“No, please don’t,” I said hurriedly. “You’re part of this too, clearly.” I held out a hand to the woman currently lingering in the doorway. “As are you. Without you, JoAnn, we never would have found our way back to each other.”
“Oh, my sweetest girl. You’re like another daughter to me.” She came forward to take my hands, brushing a kiss over my forehead. “I only gave you a little nudge. You’re the one who took that first hardest step, and you’ve kept right on taking them, no matter how rocky they’ve been.”
Travis presented the box with an air of formality that made my eyes widen. “This is for you. The sun here on top is to represent a new beginning.Ournew beginning, one that will never end.”
When I went to take the box, he held it to his chest, making me laugh. “I was going to present this to you at Cove Falls. Gorgeous waterfall behind the lake that many townsfolk think is an urban legend, but nope, it’s actually real. Only problem is this time of year the light sucks, and there are many twisted tree roots and a ravine too and I didn’t want you to break a leg just to get engaged. Or hell, me either. Not to mention I couldn’t fucking wait another day to get my rings on your finger. We’ve waited long enough.”
I blinked as my eyes stung. “Rings? Plural?”
He nodded. “Rings. Engagement ring, then my grandma Masterson’s wedding ring to boot, as another sort of promise ring.” He opened his father’s box to show me the simply beautiful traditional vintage ring from his grandmother tucked in one of the ring rolls. “I want you to know how much love and tradition is standing behind us.Withus, actually. And of course, we will have our wedding bands too for the big day itself. Which will come as soon as you can stand it.”
My cheeks ached from my wide, unending smile. No more tears until we were officially hitched. “Sounds perfect to me.”
He went down on one knee. “Bridget Bailey Sheppard, will you marry me?”
“Yes, absolutely. Try to stop me.” I bent to cup his face in my hands. “Get up, you wonderful man. You are going to have to ice that knee all night if you stay down there any longer, and I have plans for you,” I added in a whisper that hid nothing.