Page 79 of Second Chance Baby

“Certainly seemed that way the other day.” Daphne grinned. “Elaine will be thrilled to hear that, I’m sure. We were chatting earlier. Not sure where she’s gotten off to now.” Daphne checked the clipboard in her hand, and then she held it to her chest. “We’re going to start with some party type shots. A summer soiree in the gazebo with light refreshments, then a picnic on the grass, and then we will go from there. That work for you two?”

“Sure does.” I fluffed my hair and flashed a smile at Travis. “You good too?”

“I sure am.” He lifted my hand to his mouth. “Can’t wait to see how these turn out. And hey, maybe Penn and Rita will star in some pictures of their own too.”

“Penn and Rita?” Daphne’s brows lifted. “I saw them together at the shoot, but I didn’t realize anything was afoot. Love sure is blooming in this town, isn’t it?”

I smiled, squeezing Travis’s hand. “The magic of the Cove.”


We worked for many hours.

Some of the shots went awry due to an errant duck and then the entire family that wandered into our photos, quacking up a storm. We abandoned the gazebo location for the other side of the lake near the Hamilton compound. Sage Hamilton had been thrilled to have a real live romance shoot on their property.

I was pretty sure some of the ducks had followed us, but this time, they were more of a set extra than the divas who had forced us to flee for a quieter location.

It was ridiculously warm for mid-October and the coolers were being refilled every other hour. The Hamilton yard was massive and dotted with just enough leaves and autumnal decor that it could have been a movie set.

Sage tried to hang back, but her excitement was palpable. Not to mention her children were fascinated with Bridget, who was sprawled on a quilt on the front yard near the boat launch.

I was pretty sure Drake’s crew even broke out his drones for wide angle shots. I couldn’t blame him, since Bridget was obviously in her element.

She said she wasn’t interested in this life, but it sure chose her.

But then my chest ached as one of Sage’s children careened into the shot and plopped herself into Bridget’s lap. From then on, she’d been drafted to be an extra. The little blue-eyed blond girl was a natural, and she and Bridget looked as if they could be close relatives. They both laughed so freely and so beautifully, and the camera loved them.

Even Oliver, Sage’s husband, had relaxed when it became obvious Bridget was going to keep his little girl safe and sound.

When Drake started making noises about needing an older girl in the shots to fit one of Rita’s other covers—and possibly a wig and wardrobe change, I had a feeling this shoot would not be over with today.

“Hey, you two have a kid about that age, don’t you?”

Bridget stood, making her way over to me, the toddler, Stella, hanging onto her hand for dear life. Just seeing her with another young child had my system all out of whack. This was exactly what I wanted—not the fictional version. But ours.

“We do.” I gave Bridget an easy smile.

“It would save us from booking a modeling agency to sign off on a kid. It’s a nightmare to get it settled. It would save us so much time.”

“I don’t know, Drake.” Bridget easily swung up Stella to settle on her hip. “Carrington has never done anything like this. We haven’t even had family photos done before.”

Which we’d be correcting, I thought darkly.

“Just see if she’d be up for it. We’re losing the best light now, anyway. I need to check in with Rita about what exactly she needs.” Drake started loading up his cameras. “Just think about it. I have to go check with this Sage chick. She’s practically a mayor’s wife, the way she knows everyone.”

Then he was gone.

Nerves niggled along my spine. It couldn’t hurt to ask, but if it turned out to be no—that was the end of it.

Bridget was lightly swaying with Stella. “We don’t have to do this, Trav. Drake is just a pushy—” she glanced at the toddler with an easy smile, “guy,” she finished.

“Like my daddy,” Stella said before she shoved her fist into her mouth.

Both of us laughed.

Oliver Hamilton made his way down to us. “You certainly brought a little excitement into our already crazy life.” He reached for Stella, who immediately launched herself into his arms.

“We’re sorry about that. I had no idea Drake was going to do this.” Bridget pushed her hair out of her face. The wind was starting to kick up off the water.