Page 19 of Second Chance Baby

Not like he didn’t know very well what had occurred between us. I mean, how did I know he didn’t make a habit of forgoing protection on a regular basis? How did I know how he didanythingthese days?

I didn’t. He was very much an unknown quantity in every possible way.

But his mom had been all too willing to give me background on what he was doing when I’d called to ask. No hesitation. She’d definitely not mentioned anyone serious in his dating life, either.

Clearly, me and Travis would have to discuss the lack of birth control. But not today. I didn’t know when or where or hell, evenhowI’d start that kind of conversation.

I know we had unprotected sex at the shoot, but don’t worry, even if I turn out to be pregnant, I won’t expect anything from you.

Or maybe it would be better to take a different approach entirely.

Hey, if I’m knocked up, I’ll just hand you this kid to take care of like I did with the last one.

But nope, I couldn’t do that again. In the future, I never wanted to miss a second with my child—or children.

Or Travis.

“Headache?” he asked softly as I realized I was rubbing my forehead. “Want some Advil?”

“No, thanks, I’m okay.” I smiled wanly. “A milkshake will cure everything that ails me.”

Not even close, but I’d settle for something sweet just about now.

After we parked, we crossed the street and headed into the diner. Unsurprisingly, the place was packed with the after-school crowd, families filling every single booth except one up in the front. It was a seat yourself kind of joint, so Travis led the way to the free booth. “This okay?”

Not as if there were any other options, even if I preferred some shadowy corner to being on full display.

I smiled again and slipped into the booth. “This is great.”

Carrington slipped into the booth opposite us and grabbed for one of the placemats, immediately starting to color what appeared to be a fun Halloween scene with the conveniently provided cup of well-used crayons.

As silence descended over the table, I was tempted to start coloring my own placemat. Before I could, the waitress hurried up and started to take our order—until she apparently recognized me.

“No shit. No shit.” Loudly, she smacked her gum. “No shit. Bridget Sheppard? Is that really you?”

I was tempted to say no. I really did not want to beontoday. Though I’d already proved how unprofessional I was at the hotel, so I was probably overdue to smile and nod.

“Yes, I’m Bridget. How are you?” I looked at her name tag. “Polly?”

“A lot better now. Jeezum, you’re freaking stacked. God, my life would be so much different if I had tits like yours.”

Carrington started giggling into her elbow while I wished to melt into the floor. It wasn’t as if I was totally unused to being recognized since I’d done a couple high profile shoots and I’d even had a recent bit part in a movie, but I definitely wasn’tthatwell-known. But I was a hometown girl, so maybe that made a difference.

“All natural,” I added with a wink I so didn’t feel while Travis made a show of placing his napkin on his lap.

“Could we get a round of milkshakes, Pol? Strawberry-banana for the lady, chocolate-caramel swirl for the little lady, and coffee for me? And how about a platter of ranch and bacon cheddar fries for the table?”

I didn’t intend to moan. I really did not. Especially after just discussing my breasts. But I was far too hungry to control myself.

Right about now, I really regretted skipping breakfast.

And lunch.

But there had been no way I could eat pre-shoot with Travis. I’d barely been able to breathe.

Polly made no move to put in our order. She just kept staring at us, though I couldn’t be sure if she was staring at me or Travis.

“Oh, now I know what I remembered. You were a football god, weren’t you, back in the day? A couple grades ahead of me, so it took me a second to file it into place. But seeing you two together, I remembered how you two were back then. The beautiful people so in love.”