Page 57 of Priest

Gods, would he ever get used to that? It wasn’t teleporting the way he was supposed to be able to do, but it felt the same.

“I wanted to check on you. You’re not my own personal power bank,” Priest said. His tone was sharp. He was hurt.

Oliver bowed his head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I want you as strong as possible before we go in there. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.”

“I’m the strongest I’ve been in years, little human.” Priest gently wrapped his arms around Oliver’s waist and pulled him close. The heat of him, the smell, the beat of his heart, it was everything Oliver needed right then. “We’re going to be okay.”

Oliver nodded. “I know. But when we go in there?—”

“We?” Priest leaned back and laughed, incredulous.

“Whenwego in there, I don’t want to have to worry about you,” Oliver said, his jaw tense. “You can’t possibly keep me out.”

“I can, and I will,” Priest said. “You might be getting stronger, but you’re not strong enough for this. We have no idea what these people are capable of, and you’re far from impervious to harm, and you’re not trained.”

The words died on the back of Oliver’s tongue. He had no real argument, but he couldn’t sit back and do nothing. “I won’t stayhere. I’m sorry, but there’s nothing you can do to stop me. If you try and lock me in, I’ll use my powers.”

Priest held his gaze steadily. “I had a feeling you’d say that.”

“So why argue with me?”

As he threw his head back, Priest’s laugh boomed around the small room. It lessened into soft chuckles, and instead of answering him, he dipped his head and took Oliver in a long, slow, deep kiss. The heat of it made his toes curl.

“Arguing with you gets my blood pumping, little human. Everything you do gets my blood pumping.” He cupped Oliver’s cheek and thumbed his lower lip. “I like that you say no to me.”

“You like being spoiled,” Oliver argued.

“Yes, I do. But it’s different with you. I’m used to getting my way simply for being what I am. I like that you’re not afraid of me.”

Ah. Oliver understood now. He had no idea what it must feel like to be told yes simply because people were terrified of what he might do if they didn’t. He didn’t think it was that way with the Alphas, but Oliver also wasn’t one of them. Not yet.

Maybe not ever. He didn’t know how strong he’d get, but he knew he wasn’t about to change his entire life just because he learned he was different. He wanted his friend back and his shop back. He wanted his quiet life and his books and spells and trinkets.

He didn’t want any of this.

“I know,” Priest whispered. “I know.”

Had he been speaking aloud? Or could Priest just hear him now? It didn’t matter. Oliver swayed into him and let Priest take his weight. “How can I help today?”

“I’ve called in reinforcements. Azriel.”

Oliver’s head snapped up, and he looked into Priest’s black eyes. “Really?”

“He’s one of the most powerful beings we know. And we have no idea what we’re getting into.”

“I’m just surprised he said yes,” Oliver admitted. Azriel had been adamant from the beginning that this was not his fight. He wondered what had changed.

“He didn’t give me his reasons. But he’s protective of you. Your Guardian Angel.” There was a tinge of resentment in Priest’s tone.

Oliver rose onto his toes and kissed Priest again. “I will always be grateful to him for saving my life, and he is my friend. He’s one of my best friends. But you’re the one I trust to keep me safe.”

Priest hummed happily, but the expression didn’t last. “I won’t be able to focus on the mission if I don’t have someone protecting you, and I can’t be in two places at once. I’ll be following Sunshine’s orders, so Azriel has agreed to stick by you. Knight thinks the two of you together will be able to, I guess, enhance each other’s power. Maybe not by much, but enough to keep you out of harm’s way and enough to help us if we need it.”

It made sense. Oliver felt different every time Azriel was around. He wished he’d had more time to hone his abilities, but it would have to do. “We’re going to find him, right?”

“We are.”

“And as much as life might suck for him after…”