Page 75 of Priest

“You’ll come by soon, right?” Azriel asked.

Knight offered a wry grin. “If I can find the place.”

Oliver had no idea what that meant, but he watched as Azriel leaned in and whispered something into Knight’s ear. The Vampire nodded, then shoved his hands into his pockets and backed away like the closeness was becoming too much.

“I’ll call you soon,” Azriel said to Oliver. “When he’s ready for a visit.”

All Oliver could do was nod and let the Angel pull him into a firm embrace. He felt the pulse of Priest’s jealousy, just a gentle simmer, really, so he indulged in the hug until Azriel let him go. “Thank you.”

Azriel cradled his face gently. “Don’t thank me, little brother. We’re family. This is what we do.” He pressed a kiss to Oliver’s forehead, ignoring Priest’s clear growl, then pulled away and turned. In the blink of an eye, he was gone, and just like he’d felt it when Poe was gone before, he felt the same thing now.

Only there was no fear. No pain. No desperation. There was just the absence of him and the knowledge that as soon as he was ready, Oliver would see him again.

Back at the safe house, Priest and Oliver were alone. Knight packed quickly after finishing up with the compound, and then he took one of the two remaining cars and said he’d see them back at HQ. He and Priest spoke quietly for a few minutes in the driveway, and Oliver watched from the window as he got in and eventually disappeared down the narrow road.

The door opened again, and Priest gathered Oliver close. “And then there were two.”

Oliver was profoundly aware this was the first time they’d been alone together after bonding. It felt important, and yet it also felt so natural, like it was part of who they were. He turned his face up, and Priest took him in a firm, lingering kiss.

“Take me to bed,” Oliver murmured.

Priest didn’t obey immediately. He pushed Oliver against the wall, kissing him harder, then lifted him until Oliver was wrapping his legs around Priest’s waist. He was hard, needy, aching for more, and Priest let out a soft growl as he scraped his teeth along the tendon in Oliver’s neck.

“Want you,” Priest said.

Oliver knocked their foreheads together. “You have me. I’m yours.”

Priest began to purr again, more vibration than sound, rushing under Oliver’s skin. He shuddered with a mix of pleasure and contentment, rocking himself against Priest.

“Bed. Now.”

Oliver laughed. “That’s what I’ve beensaying.”

Priest ran faster than Oliver could process, and in a single breath, they were behind their closed bedroom door. Priest laid Oliver out on the bed, and then he lifted a clawed hand and tore the shirt from his body.

“I liked that! I don’t have many things to my name right now!”

Priest smirked as he went after his slacks the same way. “I’ll buy you more. I’ll buy you an entire department store of adorable, nerdy librarian clothes the moment we get back.”

Oliver shuddered. The moment was tender yet oddly feral. It was a glimpse of what was to come—of everything he was still waiting to learn about Priest. He could see himself naked in the forest, running, Priest in full Demon form going after him.

A moment like they’d shared in the alley, but instead of racing home to feed, Priest would take him there, surrounded by nature, observed by the moon and stars. He groaned as Priest dropped to his knees and lifted his cock, taking the head between his lips. He suckled, dipping his forked tongue into his slit, and Oliver’s eyes rolled back in his head.

“Gods. Gods,” he gasped.

“Demon, but close,” Priest said, sinking his teeth into Oliver’s thigh. He broke the skin, then licked away droplets of blood before kissing his way up Oliver’s chest. “I want to be inside you, my little human.”

“Yes,” Oliver said. He watched as Priest spat in his hand and slicked his cock, and then he wrapped his legs around Priest’s waist, moaning when that thickness dragged over his hole. Priestsucked his fingers into his mouth, then reached between them and pushed inside, lubing and stretching him.

Oliver groaned at the sudden fullness, at the heat of it, at how perfect it all was.

This was fate. It had to be. There was no other explanation.

“Yes. Fate decided you are mine, so I took you,” Priest rasped, fucking his fingers in and out. He added a third, then a fourth.

Oliver had never been stretched so wide before, but gods, he wanted more.

Priest groaned as he lifted higher, shoving Oliver farther onto the bed, and then he pushed and slipped inside with a single thrust. Oliver’s eyes went wide and sightless as he took all of his mate. It was different. He felt his own pleasure wrapped in Priest’s, ricocheting back and forth.