Page 66 of Priest

“Never.” Oliver’s voice was barely a whisper, incapable of going louder. But it didn’t matter. He knew Priest could now feel the honesty of his words. He would always know when he was telling the truth. And he would always know when he lied.

Priest cupped his face, hands still clawed but so gentle. He was stronger again. Healed.

Thanks to you, little human.

He smiled gently and then kissed the corner of Oliver’s lips. “We need rest.”

“We need to clean up,” Oliver countered.

Priest rumbled a protest and nuzzled against the tender bite on Oliver’s neck. “Let me have you like this. Let me wake up and smell us on your skin. Just this once.”

Oliver sighed. How could he say no?

“Is it weird that I can smell it?”

Oliver looked up from his phone. It was the first thing Poe had said to him since greeting him when he came in. Oliver hadrambled a little—the way he always did when he was nervous. He half expected to be more confident or… more charming, maybe, now that he shared a bond with an Incubus.

But he was simply himself with the press of Priest’s love behind his ribs.

“Please tell me you’re not talking about my blood,” Oliver said.

Poe grimaced. He was very pale and still trembled whenever he tried to move too fast. Knight said that was normal—at least, it was normal for Vampires who had been turned under that sort of trauma. He’d been keeping his distance from Poe other than to help him feed, and Oliver understood why. But he knew Poe was terrified of his new reality, and he hated that there was nothing he could do to take it away.

“I meant the bond,” Poe said. He stretched his arms above his head and then shuffled to sit up a little more. He pulled one leg close to his chest, and for the first time since he’d woken, he looked more like himself. “Is it… how is it? What does it feel like?”

Oliver bit his lip as he stretched his legs out, and he closed his eyes, poking at the sensation. “It’s… I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like, I know where he is at all times—and he knows where I am. But it’s not intrusive.”

“It sounds…”

“Awful?” He knew Poe would have hated it. Poe was always fiercely protective of his privacy.

“Interesting. Comforting.” When Oliver lifted a brow at him, Poe ducked his head. “Maybe that’s just the trauma talking. I never thought I was going to see anyone I loved ever again.”

Oliver ached to reach for him, but Poe was hesitant about being touched. He could hear blood flowing when he got too close, and he was still working on his control. He was also jumpy, and Oliver knew it was from whatever the humans haddone to him. He still wouldn’t talk about it, but he was going to know soon enough. Priest was speaking with the other survivors, and they were willing to share their experiences.

“I guess I was right,” Poe said after a beat, laughing. “About you two.”

Oliver groaned, throwing his hands over his face. “I didn’t think it was going to be this deep. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love him.”

I love you too.

Oliver tried to hide his smile. “I don’t think I’d trade it for the world, but it was a complete mindfuck, dealing with that and trying to find you.”

Poe stared at him, and Oliver almost jumped out of his skin when Poe’s cool hand met his own. He did nothing, letting Poe take the lead. Holding hands felt different now. Not better, not worse. Just changed.

Poe bowed his head. “Will I ever stop being angry, do you think?”

“Knight hasn’t.”

“Yeah.” Poe glanced out the window, where they could both see Knight sitting outside under a tree. He never went far from the house, but he seemed to prefer being outdoors. “He was with them a lot longer than I was though.”

“Did he tell you that?”

Poe nodded. He bit his lip again, and this time, Oliver could see his fangs. “He really doesn’t like talking about it. Any of it.” Poe swallowed heavily, and Oliver could see the heartbreak on his face, which killed him. “I understand why. I… I hate what I remember. Ihateit.”

Oliver wanted to hold him as his voice cracked, but he wasn’t sure what Poe needed. He extended his other hand, and Poe stared at it for a moment, then let out a watery laugh as he linked their fingers together.

“I hate that you’re afraid to touch me. I hate that you’re afraid of me.”