Oliver was squirming against the mattress by the time Priest ran his forked tongue up the underside of his cock and then wrapped it around him just beneath his weeping head. He threw his head back, crying out in ecstasy as Priest touched him so gently with his fingertips and took him apart with his lips and teeth and tongue.
Gods, his tongue.
One day, Oliver would write a fucking sonnet about it. Just as he reached the edge, his orgasm building to a fever pitch inside him, Priest stopped, shuffling back up the bed and taking his mouth once more, swallowing his groans of frustration. He kissed him deeply as he slowly fingered Oliver open, preparing his body and driving him mad.
When Priest finally sank inside him, filling him in that delicious, over-the-top way he’d never get enough of, Oliver scraped his nails down his back, and then gripped at his firm ass, pulling at him to try and get him deeper.
Priest hushed him, murmuring to him to relax and just enjoy, but relaxing wasn’t something he could do anymore, not when Priest had wound him up so tightly. But he did loosen his grip, doing his best to try and touch every inch of Priest’s skin, taste the sweat on his neck, see the lust burning in his black eyes.
He was present in the moment, completely and utterly aware of his Demon in a way he never had been with a partner before. It felt like he was opening his soul to him, allowing him inside his body and all the rest of him, every last corner. All the walls inside him crumbled to the ground, every door thrown open. There was nothing barring Priest from accessing every tiny bit of him.
Groaning, Priest dropped his head down into his neck, and Oliver could faintly feel him begin to siphon off some of hisdesire, feeding off him, allowing Oliver to sustain him in the most primal way.
It drove his desire even higher, pushing him over the edge. When Priest gave one last hard thrust before spilling inside him, ecstasy washed over Oliver in waves, taking him under and filling him up. He could feel when Priest took one more hard draw from him. And as he did, something shifted inside. It was like the strength of Priest’s feeding moved Oliver’s insides around, reconfiguring him in a new way and locking things into place that had been displaced.
His eyes slowly opened, and he stared at the ceiling, one hand carding through Priest’s hair, the other gently stroking his sweat-slicked back. The euphoria from his orgasm began to fade, but he barely even noticed. He could feel it now, that thing inside him that Priest and Caspian had been talking about all week. A well he could dip into and access pure power. It was thrumming inside him now, exploring every inch beneath his skin, making his toes and fingers tingle.
Priest made a soft grunting noise, not lifting his head from Oliver’s neck. “What’s that?”
Oliver smiled, eyes still on the ceiling, a strip of sunlight lighting up the pale blue color. “I think I’ll be able to find him now.”
Priest lifted his head, his eyes sleepy and brow scrunched in confusion. “What?”
Oliver laid a hand over his thrumming heart. “I can feel it now. My power. Let’s go get Poe.”
The last thing in the world Priest wanted was to leave the safety of the Dragons’ lair, but he knew they were running up against time. Oliver was coming into his power faster than Priest thought he’d be able to, and now they had something. Not a precise location, but at least a geographical area, which was somewhere to start.
Jeremiah sent him the location to one of their safe houses that was closest to the spot Oliver had pointed on the map, and the next thing Priest knew, the plane was touching down, and he could see Knight waiting for him in the dusky glow of the fading sunset.
He pulled Oliver close before they were ready to disembark and tipped his chin up. Their gazes connected, and Priest could feel his Demon close to the surface of his skin. “Kiss me.”
Oliver licked his lips, then pushed up onto his toes and did as he asked. Priest felt a surge of power rush through him, like sparks flicking across his tongue. He drank it in, feeling renewed, and he pulled back to see a glowing light in Oliver’s eyes.
Was it a trick from the window?
It was gone before he could work it out.
Priest touched the edge of Oliver’s jaw. “Ready?”
“I’ve been ready for weeks.” There was a touch of impatience in Oliver’s tone, which Priest understood. He would have felt the same way if any of his brothers had been taken. Knight’s captivity had been before Priest had known him, but there were moments he saw the pain in his brother’s face and wanted to rip apart the veil between the past and present and save him before he went through his torment.
He hated that he’d been one of the people to get in Oliver’s way, and the moment they had Poe safe, he planned to make it up to him. Many times. With tongue.
“I can feel that,” Oliver breathed, and he rocked forward, letting Priest feel his thick cock before he shoved his hand in the waistband of his pants and adjusted himself so it wasn’t visible. “Stop it.”
“I can’t help it.” Priest’s voice was a low growl, and he could feel fangs in his mouth. He took a breath, then caught Oliver’s hand and kissed his palm. “He wants you all the time.”
“Your Demon?”
Priest nodded, but he pushed back gently until it settled under his skin like a low simmer. He linked their fingers, then led Oliver to the door and gave him a gentle push to disembark first. The wind was warmer and a touch more humid now that they were so close to the water again.
Nowhere had really felt like home, but their offices and his place near the palace in Midlona felt more like it than anywhere else he’d been. He hadn’t dropped roots, but he had dropped a few seeds, and he wondered if he’d ever be allowed to see them grow. He could picture a calmer, safer future where Oliver had his shop again and the guys lived nearby.
And there was even room for Azriel in that rosy picture because in spite of the small pricks of jealousy he felt from timeto time, the Angel was as close to a best friend Priest had outside of the Alphas. And it helped Azriel already adored Oliver.