As soon as the car was turned off, he was hustling him inside, tempted to just throw him over his shoulder and carry him through the front door and up to his bedroom.
As soon as the door was shut behind them, Oliver turned to him and wrapped his arms around his neck. “Just because I found you going full Demon uncontrollably attractive doesn’t mean I’m going to give up on Poe,” Oliver said, his voice wavering as he pushed up onto his toes and rubbed his body all down the front of Priest’s.
“I don’t want you to forget about your friend,” he said, gripping the back of Oliver’s thighs and hoisting him up, practically purring when Oliver reflexively wrapped his legs around his waist. “I want you to be safe. I want you totrustthat me and my team will find him.”
Oliver stared down into his face, running his teeth over his bottom lip. “It feels like no one is making Poe the priority. He’s my family. I can’t just forget about him, even if all I want is to spend every waking moment covered in your come and wrapped in your sheets.”
His Demon surged inside him, and he was moving faster than any human could, crossing the house and sprinting up the stairs. Once they were in his bedroom, he kicked the door shut behind him.
“We’ll find him together, I promise,” Priest said emphatically, holding Oliver’s eyes as he slowly lowered him onto the mattress. He followed him right down, bracing his forearms on either side of him. They were so close their breaths mingled, the damp, warm air making his skin tingle. “Do you trust me, little human?”
Oliver stared into his eyes for a moment, and it felt like his answer would be the beginning of something… or the end. They stood on a precipice, and he just hoped Oliver was brave enough to jump off with him.
“Yes, Priest. I trust you,” he whispered, lightly caressing his cheek. “We’ll do it together.”
Relief and happiness and resolution filled his entire being. He dove down and took a long, deep kiss. He moved his lips slowly, trying not to rush despite the fact his Demon was urging him on, demanding they do things he knew Oliver wasn’t ready for.
More than that, he was hungry again, starved. Considering he’d woken up that morning feeling more sated than he had in years, it was hard to believe, but fully shifting into his Demonic form always took a lot out of him, sapping his energy when he changed back and bringing his Incubus needs right to the surface.
An ever-present reminder that he could never truly be full. That his Demon was a bottomless well, always looking to be fed again and with more.
He was going to have to work hard to hold back. It wasn’t fair to ask Oliver to feed him again, even with whatever Angelic powers he was discovering inside himself. Three times in as many days? That could drain even the most powerful creature. And he wouldn’t put him at risk like that.
As if he could hear Priest’s thoughts, Oliver broke their kiss and tightened his arms and legs around him. He whispered directly into his ear, “I need you, and I can feel how much you need me. Take it. Take everything you need.”
“It’s too soon?—”
Oliver shook his head, his hair wild and glasses askew. “No, it’s not. I felt good this morning. I still do. I can handle it. You don’t have to treat me like I’m made of glass.”
“Oliver.” He shouldn’t. He knew that it was dangerous, and yet his Demon whispered in his ear.He wants it. He craves it. Take. Take. Take.
“Yes,” Oliver moaned. “Take. Do it.Please.”
That “please,” said so brokenly, so desperately, was more than Priest could handle. He fell forward once more, locking their lips together, pushing his forked tongue into Oliver’s mouth and tasting every inch of him, every molecule, from the tea he had for breakfast to the desire burning in his veins.
It took a while to get them undressed. He didn’t want to leave that perfect sweet mouth, kept going back in for more kisses. After he kicked off his shoes and then stripped off his shirt, he and Oliver struggled to get Oliver’s pants off until Priest finally lost his patience and tore them away.
Oliver stared at him wide-eyed and then laughed. “You’re going to have to get me a new pair. Most of my things burned in the explosion.”
He said it lightly. But Priest was so in tune with him in that moment he could taste the hints of grief tinging the air around them.
He crawled up onto the bed as Oliver scooted backward and then flipped over, bracing himself on his hands and knees. He peered over his shoulder at Priest and sucked on his lower lip. He was fucking gorgeous like that. All lean muscle and pale white skin.
Priest wanted to taste every single inch of him, and he planned to, but not this time, not when Oliver’s lust and his own hunger were driving him forward, edging him toward madness. He didn’t have the patience, and neither did his little human, who lowered himself to his elbows and spread his legs wantonly.
“Fuck,” Priest snarled, diving forward and burying his face between those perfect cheeks.
Oliver’s hair and the skin on his face held a tinge of ash. He knew he had walked through the burned-out shell of the bookshop, and it lingered on him. But here, right here, it was pure Oliver, and the scent was driving him mad.
He ran his tongue from the back of Oliver’s balls all the way up over his hole and then kissed the bottom of his spine.
Oliver moaned and spread his legs a little farther, arching his back in offering, an offering that Priest would gladly take. Gripping a cheek in each hand, he spread him open and used the dexterous tip of his forked tongue to torment him, fluttering it along the sensitive skin of his sac and perineum.
It didn’t take long before Oliver was pushing back against him, silently begging for more. And because Priest was a kind and thoughtful Demon, he gave it to him. He finally moved up to Oliver’s entrance, licking over the furled muscle over and over until it was nice and wet, and then used the tips of his forked tongue to spear inside of him.
The cry Oliver released riled up his Incubus, his nails sharpening where he clutched at his delicate skin, but he held them back from turning into full-on claws. He didn’t stop his torment though, using the strength and more slender makeup of his Demon tongue to breach his little human deeper until he found that perfect spot inside him. That little bundle of nerves that made Oliver dance on the bed when he fluttered his tongue against it.