Page 31 of Priest

“Yes, you are,” Priest said.

Oliver’s mouth dropped open. “You can’t be fucking serious.”

“I’m fucking a lot of things. I’m an Incubus,” Priest quipped.

“I’m not joking!”

“Neither am I,” Priest said, though he was lying. Since Oliver, he hadn’t fucked anyone else. But it was the only thing he could think of to try and diffuse the situation because it was getting out of hand. “This is what we do, darling. This is our job. And we are the best at it. We don’t know Poe is alive?—”

“Are you still on that?” Oliver looked like he wanted to tear his hair out. “He’s alive, and the fact that you don’t believe me goes to show exactly what you think of me. And since I’m not a prisoner here, I’m out. I’m going to find him myself.”

“Alone?” Priest asked, raising a mocking brow.

Oliver spun and met his gaze. “No. I have the Angel you all said would be helpful on my side. He’ll help me. He’ll give me anything I ask.”

He turned and started away, and that was when Priest snapped.

It was jealousy. It was possession. It was fear because whatever Oliver was, he was still mostly human. He was strong, but he was fragile. He was mortal. He could die too easily, and Priest had seen what could happen to supernaturals with the right spells and the right power. The very idea of Oliver suffering made him want to rip his human face off and raze the city with his claws.

He didn’t do that, of course. Instead, he used his speed and strength to stop Oliver from taking another step. His hands dug into Oliver’s shoulders, and Oliver met his gaze.

His eyes flashed bright blue. Something was emanating off him, coming at Priest in waves. Dangerous. Tantalizing. It made him feel like he’d been starved for a thousand years, and Oliver was his first taste of food.

Priest’s eyes went black again. He was done fighting. He was done with Oliver resisting. He almost never used his thrall, but he called on it now for the first time in years. His voice rumbled sweetly in the back of his throat. Tendrils of his power reached out and caressed Oliver’s skin.

“Enough of this,” he murmured. Oliver swallowed thickly. “Relax. Let it go. Head to my bedroom and wait for me.”

There was a long pause… and then Oliver opened his mouth and laughed in his face. “Are you out of your fucking mind?”

And then Jeremiah sneezed loudly—a full-on dad sneeze that rocked the room.

The tension immediately evaporated. Oliver sagged like he was exhausted, and Priest caught him before his knees buckled.

“Sorry,” Jeremiah said, sniffing and wiping his nose. “Angels always make me sneeze. I thought you said Azriel was gone.”

Priest locked eyes with Oliver. “He is.”

Oliver looked guilty, swallowing heavily. “Priest…”

“Go up to my room. We’re going to talk about this once the guys and I figure out our next steps.”


“No,” Priest growled, and he was hit with a sudden wave of lust from Oliver. It took everything in him to control it. “Upstairs. Now. I’m done with this argument.”

Oliver looked like he wanted to keep going, but after a beat, he nodded and stepped back. “Fine. But this doesn’t mean I’m backing down. Poe saved me. He is my family. I am not going tosit by while you all try to decide whether or not he’s worth going after.”

“That’s not what’s happening. But we’ve been through this before,” Knight said, his voice carefully measured. “Firsthand. So please, trust us. Whatever choices we make, they’ll be in everyone’s best interest.”

Oliver stood fast for another moment, then finally turned and left the room. Priest followed his aura as long as he was able, and when he was sure Oliver wasn’t planning an escape attempt, he turned back to his brothers.

“I need to handle this.”

“Clearly,” Jeremiah said flatly. “And when you’re done, you’re going to tell us what the fuck you’re hiding.”

Priest felt his face heat, but he didn’t give in. “It’s not important right now.”

Knight barked a laugh. “You tried to put him in your thrall, and he laughed in your face. You’re telling us that’s not important?”