Something in Oliver snapped. He didn’t know how or why. He just knew that six days of having Priest beside him—close but not touching the way he wanted, loving but not loved the way he needed—it was too much. He felt a rush of possession and fury at the thought of Priest touching anyone else, even if just through their dreams.
He slapped the phone out of Priest’s hand.
The Demon stared at him, eyes wide. “Oliver… I need to feed. When this wears off?—”
“Then you’ll have me,” Oliver said.
Priest closed his eyes very slowly. “You know I can’t do that.”
Oliver scoffed, leaning against the counter because he was dizzy. It took him a minute to realize it wasn’t from his injuries. It was from his proximity to a hungry Incubus.Thishungry Incubus. One that he wanted with an almost soul-crushing need. “I don’t know that, actually. Why don’t you explain it to me.”
When Priest opened his eyes, they were black. Not like his usual color—a sort of gorgeous onyx that covered the entire surface—whites, irises, and pupils. Now, the abyss consumed them. He parted his lips, and though his teeth weren’t sharp like a Vampire’s, his canines had lengthened to short points.
Oliver shuddered. Maybe Priest was trying to scare him, but it wasn’t working.
“Oliver.” His voice was a low, strange rumble that sent sparks over Oliver’s skin. “Go back upstairs and go to sleep.”
Oliver stared at him, then rolled his eyes. “No. I just woke up. You’re out of your mind if you think I’m going back to bed in the middle of our conversation.”
Priest’s eyes faded back to their usual appearance, and he blinked rapidly before clearing his throat. He was softer—the sweet sort of awkward potato he’d been since Oliver got there. “Um. Please go back to sleep?”
Oliver sighed. “Cute, but no. I’m going to waste away if I sleep any longer. And since you won’t let me go look for my best friend, I say we do the second-best thing.”
Priest swallowed heavily. “Which is…”
Oliver drummed his fingers on the counter. He felt oddly brave in a way he hadn’t been for the months he’d known and pined after Priest. Maybe it was the whole near death experience. Or maybe it was the trauma of losing everything in his life. Or maybe he was just tired of waiting around.
Whatever the case, he was done letting Priest shove him off when he knew damn well the Demon not only wanted him but was holding himself back by a tinsel-weak thread.
“I’ll go back to bed… if you go with me.”
Priest choked. “I need to leave.”
He started away, but Oliver caught him by the wrist. He tugged, his strength obviously replenished from all the napping he’d been doing because Priest stumbled toward him and landed right up against Oliver’s front, bracing himself against the counter with his free hand.
A beat passed, and Oliver swore he could feel Priest’s heart beating beneath his own skin.
“I’ll hurt you.”
“Something tells me you won’t,” Oliver murmured. He reached up, boldly drawing a touch over Priest’s jawline. “You’d stop yourself before we got anywhere near that point.”
“You have no idea how dangerous this is.” Priest’s voice went rough again, his eyes darkening. “I’ve wanted you for so long. I’d die if anything happened to you. If Iletanything happen to you.”
“So don’t let anything happen to me,” Oliver said. “I’m stronger than you think. And I want you too. I want you to take what you need from me. I can’t stand the thought of you suffering or feeding on someone other than me.”
Priest closed his eyes and tipped his head forward. For a moment, Oliver thought he was going to be kissed, but Priest pressed their foreheads together and breathed deep, like he was taking his scent into his body. “This temptation is going to send me straight to hell.”
“As a Demon, I figured you’d be at home there,” Oliver quipped.
Priest pulled back, eyes wide, and then he burst into low chuckles seconds before he grabbed Oliver by the waist and lifted him, settling him on the counter. His laughter died, and then he licked his lips, and not only were his little fangs back, but Priest’s tongue had thinned and lengthened, the end split and forked like a snake.
Oliver’s dick pulsed in his loose pants.
Priest sucked in another deep breath and let it out on a groan. “Gods, I want you. Your lust is so fucking sweet.”
“So have me. Be delicate, but take what you need. I know what it’ll cost, and I’m giving it to you,” Oliver said. An idea struck him. He stuck his thumbs under the waistband of his pajamas and did his best to shimmy them off while sitting on the counter and having Priest between his knees.
Taking the hint, Priest stepped back and grabbed handfuls of the fabric, his nails sharper and almost clawlike, and between one blink and the next, Oliver was naked from the waist down. For a moment, he couldn’t seem to make a sound. Tendrils of pleasure were curling over his skin as Priest groaned, and he felt like he was going to lose his mind from ecstasy before Priest even touched him.