“It’s very high,” I say. Anne and I are up on the roof of the Monroe mansion, and it’s not just high. It’s windy. I could be blown off the roof at any moment.
“We haven’t even left the ground yet.” She unbuttons my shirt and shrugs it off, tossing it back to me. This woman is uncommonly comfortable without her clothes on. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she’d worked in porn at some point.
Watching Anne shift into a dragon is far more interesting than watching her shift from dragon to human. She grows to an enormous size. I can’t believe she fit on the roof of a car. Wings extend from her arms, and a long tail sprouts from the base of her spine. Scales poke out from the center of her back, like a row of daggers.
She exhales smoky mist out of her nostrils as if to say, “Let’s get going.”
Right. Because I have to get on her back. And then we’re going to fly. In the air.
God, I’m not ready for this. I thought I’d have more time before Andrew took me flying. I take in a deep breath and step forward. A powerful gust of wind pushes at my chest. I’m going to fall off this roof before I even get on Anne. I grit my teeth and keep walking. Anne’s scales are cold and sharp. I grip the ones at the center of her back and hoist myself up.
She doesn’t give me any warning before she jumps and outstretches her wings. I grip onto her scales tighter and dig my knees into her back. My unbuttoned shirt unfurls behind me and the wind whips through my hair. We’re so high up, I don’t dare to look down or let go of the death grip I’ve got on Anne’s scales. But I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so alive.
It makes me wonder if our child will be able to fly. If our child survives this.
The night sky gets colder the longer we fly. The experience also gets a lot less fun. My teeth are chattering, and my fingers feel frozen around Anne’s scales. My stomach isn’t doing great either. I simply close my eyes and keep holding on for dear life. The noise of the city eventually fades away, replaced by the sound of the ocean.
Where are we going? I thought The Flickering Candle was a warlock’s office or one of those tarot card shops where you can buy crystals and incense. I didn’t think we’d be flying over a body of water. I’m not sure if Anne can talk in her dragon form, and I’m having a hard time not throwing up, so I don’t ask where she’s taking me. Wherever The Flickering Candle is, I have to go there, regardless of how far away it is.
Just as I’m ready to settle in for a long flight, we start to descend. Is this place underwater? I open my eyes. The sky is completely dark, but there’s light ahead. I still can’t quite make out what it is. Either a huge house or an apartment building. The lights are on inside, but the electricity seems to be shorting out.
Are we too late? Did something bad already happen to Andrew?
Anne crashes onto the island with the same lack of grace she thudded onto the roof of my car. When she tries to walk, I notice a limp. It wasn’t visible when she was in her human form.
Did she get hurt when she saved Manny?
I slide off her back, so grateful to be on land that the stomach-churning fear I have for Andrew subsides for a moment. It comes back in full force when I hear laughter. Female laughter.
It’s not a giggle or a polite guffaw at a friend’s joke. It’s deep and loud and… evil.
I’ve finally made it to The Flickering Candle. Where is Andrew? I need to get him out of here now.
I slowly walk down the marble steps of Sarah’s house. Howard is waiting for me.
“She won’t do it,” I say.
He doesn’t look surprised. “Did she explain why?”
Then he knew. This whole time he knew what she was going to say, and he let me sacrifice Frankie anyway.
“She said the only way to get rid of my bond ache would be to remove Edward Monroe from my memory.”
There’s movement behind me. Or maybe it’s just some side effect of Sarah’s creepy house. Then I hear laughter. It’s unnaturally loud and echoes all around us. Almost like the song Howard hummed to cast his spell.
I spin around. Standing on the steps of Sarah’s house is another woman. She’s wearing a blue suit and a shiny pair of black loafers. The suitcoat hangs open to reveal a red rock larger than both Sarah’s and Howard’s. Although this rock is not attached to a necklace. It’s fused directly to her skin.
She stuffs her hands into the pockets of her pants. “Sarah lied.”
“What?” I ask
“Memory magic isn’t the only way to get rid of a bond ache. There’s another way. But it doesn’t surprise me that she deceived you. It’s what she’s good at. Did she change the color of her dress for you? Make you question your own sanity, then tell you how scary magic is?”
I look back at Howard. He’s the one who said Kim was evil, and I’m assuming this is Kim, but what she’s saying is true. Sarah did do that. He just shrugs. Sarah denied him too. Maybe she doesn’t actually help people. Maybe she just freaks them out to get them to leave.