He keeps rocking and lets out another moan as his muscles contract around me again.
The egg inches farther down. I can feel the round shape of it now. If I had a regular hand, I’d have to pull out to give it space, but I can adjust my hand to make it exactly what Andrew needs.
That egg is too wide to pass through his rim right now. I thicken my wrist. Andrew shakes his head, but he doesn’t call out red or yellow. Maybe something instinctual inside him knows I’m trying to help—that it’s my job as his mate to give him this.
He widens his knees.
“You can do this,” I whisper. I believe in him. He’s done much harder things for our family than laying these eggs.
This time as he bares down, I let my hand shrink down and pull out. He cries out—not at the loss but because the egg is now protruding from his rim. It’s coated in bright blue scales that shimmer in the light.
“Oh, baby boy. It’s so beautiful.”
His body goes back to rocking. I don’t think it’s a conscious movement anymore.
“It’s too much. I can’t Daddy. I just can’t.”
I wipe his slick off on the bed and place my hand on the small of his back. “You can, baby. You have to. They have to come out.”
His whole face scrunches up as he pushes, the egg moving until it’s almost halfway out. It’s as big as my fist.
“Just one more time. You can do it one more time.”
He grabs at the sheets. “I can’t!”
I reach underneath his body to grasp his hard cock with my left hand. “You can.” I stroke him back and forth, picking up the pace as his body begins to rock, as he pushes hard enough that the egg drops to the mattress. He screams and comes all over my hand, his ass clenching around air.
“Good boy. You did so good,” I say, releasing his cock.
He relaxes his arms and shoulders, letting his head rest on the bed with his ass in the air. The doctor said he might get tired or distracted after the first egg. Ice dragon shifters rarely laid more than one, and the doctor warned me that I’d need to be the one to motivate him to get the second egg out.
“There’s one more, baby boy.”
“Mmmm, no. Too big. Need rest.” He closes his eyes.
If he stays like that much longer, gravity will push the egg farther in. That’s the last thing he needs. I reach forward and grab his shoulders, lifting them off the bed, and pulling him close until we’re both upright.
“Daddy!” He looks back at me with shock.
“See? Feel it? You need to get that egg out, baby. You need to do it now.”
He grips the arm I have wrapped around his shoulders. “I can’t do it. Please help me, Daddy. I can’t.”
I rock back and forth like he did when he was about to lay the first one. “You can because I’m going to help you. I’m right here with you, baby.” I plant a kiss on the side of his head.
Andrew rocks with me. I wrap my left hand around his cock, which has hardened again.
“Oh, Daddy,” he whimpers.
“C’mon, baby. I need you to push it out for me, okay?”
He bobs his head up and down. His whole body tenses and he screams, bearing down with so much strength, he trembles with exertion.
I do a quick check with my hand. The second egg has descended to his rim now.
“Good boy. You’re doing so good.” I stroke his cock. “You’re almost done, baby. And then you can rest and cuddle with our eggs.”
He takes in a sharp breath. “Oh, Daddy!” He bends forward as he bears down this time. I quicken the pace of my hand and hear the soft thunk of the second egg dropping. This time his cock doesn’t spurt much, but I keep stroking him until his body goes limp with exhaustion. I let him fall onto the bed slowly.