“What would you recommend as a sacrifice?” I ask. Whatever it is, I’ll pay it. I’d do anything to keep Andrew alive.
Howard pauses. “I don’t know.”
“Your dominant hand,” Kim says.
“No, that’s too much.” Howard argues.
“He’s asking for the ability to bond to the man he loves. Do you honestly think Magic will require anything less of him?”
I look down at the octopus tattoo I got eight years ago. What will Andrew think when he wakes up and finds out I had to sacrifice my hand to save him?
“Is there anything else? Anything not visible?” I ask.
She shrugs. “That depends. Your ability to read may work. Maybe twenty years of your life? Whatever it is will have to be dear. You don’t want Howard to get stuck in the middle of a spell without enough power to continue. Magic isn’t kind to those who ask for gifts they haven’t paid for in full.”
Compared to my ability to read or twenty years of my life, my hand seems like a smaller price to pay. I turn my palm up and flex my fingers. Are they going to cut the whole thing off, or will I just lose my mobility?
In the end, I guess it doesn’t matter. I have to save Andrew, regardless of the cost.
“Okay. What do I need to do?”
“Do you have a belt?” Howard asks Kim.
She feels along her waist, then unbuckles a black, slender belt and whips it off, handing it to Howard.
“Hold out your arm.”
I hold it out like we’re about to shake hands. I guess I won’t be doing that anymore. At least not with my right hand. He wraps the belt around my wrist and yanks it so tight, my fingers begin to turn white.
“You’ll have to feel the pain. It’s part of the sacrifice,” Howard warns me.
I’m not surprised. It makes a horrible kind of sense that it would work that way.
Kim tosses Howard something small and plastic. A lighter. He rolls it around in his hand slowly and looks up at me.
So that’s how they’re going to do it. With fire.
I take in a deep breath. “Okay, I’m ready.” Or as ready as I ever will be.
Howard flicks the lighter on.
For a moment, I think I’m at home in bed with Timber. I feel a sharp pain in the crook of my neck, and I smile. Timber is claiming me again. It never gets old. I want him to keep biting me there until the day I die even if we can’t properly bond.
Except this bite is different. The pleasure isn’t just concentrated in the area by his teeth, it’s flowing through the rest of my body until I feel nothing but happiness and light.
I don’t know what’s going on, but I know I don’t want it to end. I try to wrap my arm around him, but my arm is too weak. I open my eyes and realize several things. First, we’re not in bed. We’re someplace cold and dark, and something is wrong with Timber. He’s breathing too rapidly.
“Daddy?” I whisper, fear rushing through me.
“Shhhh, baby boy. I’m here. Everything will be alright.”
But everything’s not alright. Timber’s breath is still too quick. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“Just a little bit. Don’t you worry. We’re going to the hospital, and they’re going to take care of us, alright? I’ve got you, baby boy. I’ve got you.” His voice fades, and his body slumps on top of mine.