After getting a text from Nate, calling for a band meeting, I slip out of mine and Scarlet’s hotel room. The message was clear—this one’s just for the four of us guys. No Scarlet. Lucky for me, she’s on the phone with her mom, so slipping out unnoticed wasn’t an issue.

Walking down the hall, I rake a hand through my hair, feeling the exhaustion weighing me down. My eyes arebloodshot—we went hard last night. It was me, Scarlet, Xander, Kit, and Neil, partying until the early hours. Theo and Nate bailed early, though. Theo had already set himself up with some brunette for the night’s “entertainment,” so they didn’t stick around.

When I finally reach Nate and Theo’s room, I knock and wait. Theo swings the door open, smirking like he’s ready to make some smart-ass remark, but, for once, nothing comes out. Strange.

I step inside, and the stale scent of cheap perfume hits me—probably from whichever groupie they brought back here last night. I’m the last to arrive. Xander’s already here, Kit too, which immediately sets off alarms. My gut twists, and my first thought is, what the hell has my fucked-up mother done this time?

As I step in, all eyes turn to me, and I feel the tension hanging thick in the air. My gaze lands on Xander, sitting on the couch with his arms crossed, looking pissed off about something. Without a word, I cross the room and drop down next to him, sinking into the cushions.

“Alright, what’s up?” I ask. My voice comes out rough, but I don’t care. Whatever’s going on, it’s big. I can feel it.

All eyes shift to Kit as she starts talking. "Yesterday, someone reached out to me. They're interested in Scarlet."

“Who reached out?” I ask, already feeling my jaw clench. My mind goes straight to Beck. Don’t tell me that prick went to the press after I dealt with him.

“A label.”

Nate doesn’t even wait a second. “It’s not fucking happening,” he snaps, storming over to the opposite couch, sitting next to Theo. His eyes are blazing.

“Hold up,” I say, running both hands through my hair, trying to catch up with the conversation. I lean forward, elbowsresting on my knees, and lock my focus on Kit. “What exactly are we talking about here?”

“Kit’s had a call from a label who is looking to put a band together, and Scarlet’s caught their eye,” Xander chimes in, filling me in on the details.

A smile tugs at my lips as I think about Scarlet finally getting her big break. She deserves this—she’s got the talent and drive to go far. But the thought quickly turns, twisting in my gut.

“Why the hell isn’t she here then?” I ask. “If they’re interested, she needs to know. This could be huge for her.”

Kit glances over at Nate and Theo.

“Because it ain’t fucking happening, that’s why,” Nate retorts.

My anger flares, and I fix him with a hard look. “What the hell do you mean it’s not happening? That’s not your call to make.”

Nate’s eyes flash, and he leans forward, his tone turning sharp. “I’m looking out for her, Ace. You know how the industry is. It’s a fucking jungle. Labels fuck people over to get what they want.”

I don’t back down. “So? This could be her big fucking break! We took it when it was offered to us. Why the hell would you try to stop her, especially when you know how hard it’s been for her to step out of your shadow?”

I can see the hurt flicker across his face, the realization that her struggles have something to do with him. But fuck that. This isn’t about him; this is about Scarlet finally getting the chance she deserves. “This is not our decision; it’s fucking hers.”

The silence stretches between us, thick and charged. I can feel the tension hanging in the air, and for a moment, it’s like the room is holding its breath, waiting for someone to speak. I’m not backing down—not now. She’s been given a chance, and I’ll fight tooth and nail to make sure she gets it.

I shift my attention to Theo. “So what about you, asshole? Are you against this too?”

Theo shifts uncomfortably on the couch, avoiding my gaze. “I don’t want her used by a fucking label the way we were. I’m with Nate on this one.”

“No fucking shock there,” I mutter, shaking my head as I turn to Xander, desperately looking for some clarity. “What’s your take on this? Why are we even discussing this shit?”

“Hey, don’t look at me,” Xander replies, hands raised defensively. “I’m all for Scarlet getting her shot. She fucking deserves it.”

“Then why the hell are we even here?” I look over at Kit, my frustration bubbling over. “Why didn’t you just take this to Scarlet?”

I know I shouldn’t be taking this out on Kit; she’s always been great at what she does, which is exactly why we brought her along when we left the label. But my frustration spills out anyway.

Kit stands up, locking eyes with me, her gaze fierce and unwavering, despite being about two feet shorter than me. She squares her shoulders. “You know what, Ace? Maybe you should get off your high horse for a second! I mentioned it to Nate yesterday in passing, thinking he’d be happy that Scarlet got her chance. But clearly, I was wrong—and that’s why we’re here.”

I can’t help but smirk at her, respecting the verbal ass-whooping she’s handing me. I shift my focus back to Nate and Theo, my resolve hardening. “You two need to get your fucking heads out of your asses. Scarlet deserves this, and I’m not gonna sit here while you try to keep her from her shot. She’s ready to fight for it—and so am I.”

I take a breath, about to launch into a full-blown argument, ready to go toe-to-toe with them over this. But just as I open my mouth, a sharp knock echoes through the room.