Then it hits me, clear as day. I finally understand what Xander meant when he said he’d give it all up for Poppy and Alex. I thought he was crazy when he said that to all of us. But with Scarlet here beside me, it makes perfect sense. She means more to me than any stage or spotlight ever could. And this feeling… It’s stronger than any high I’ve ever chased.
The fans’ cheers, a deafening roar that echoes through the venue, fill the air as we wrap up another killer show. But all I can focus on is the smoking hot chick who's been killing it on thedrums—yeah, the one who’s mine. Watching her pound those drums with everything she’s got has my pulse racing and my dick straining against my jeans all night.
I even caught Theo sneaking glances at me a couple of times while I was watching her. Ever since that little incident on the bus, the asshole’s been a bit more relaxed about us. Even Nate has eased up about me being with his sister. Of course, they’ve both made it crystal clear they’ll kick my ass if I ever hurt her. But honestly, they don’t need to worry—I’d never fucking do that to her.
As we walk off the stage, Scarlet stops in the wings and waits for me. The moment we’re together, I wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. It’s funny—at first, it felt weird having the guys watch me do this, their eyes glued to my every move, but now? I don’t give a flying fuck. If I want to touch her, I’m gonna do it. And right now, all I want is to have her close, no matter who’s watching.
Xander and Theo, ramble on with their usual bullshit as they lead the way down to the green room. Before entering, Xander ducks into another room to change his sweaty shirt, and while we wait, Theo just stands there, staring at us with this odd look on his face, like he’s got some secret agenda. I’m half-expecting him to drop a smart-ass comment or some snarky remark. But no, he just stands there with this weird ass grin. What the fuck is he playing at? It’s creeping me out, like some new pet that won’t stop staring at you while you sleep.
Xander comes back out, and Theo, like some kind of loyal sidekick, falls in step with him as we head into the green room. Disturbed and Twisted are already in there, knocking back drinks and soaking up the aftershow buzz. Jack and Walter are sprawled out on one of the couches, nursing their drinks, and I can’t help but notice the way they’re totally eyefucking their bass guitarist. Yeah, there’s definitely something going on there.
It makes me wonder if these guys are like Theo and Nate, sharing more than just a tour bus and a stage. I haven’t seen them with any of the groupies this whole tour. Maybe they’re keeping their hookups under the radar, or maybe they’re just not into that kind of scene.
Xander tosses Theo a water bottle, then hands one to Scarlet and me. The three of us crack them open and take a long swig.
Kit walks into the room. “Okay, guys,” she says, eyeing Walter and Jack and then shifting her eyes to the rest of their band. “I’ve got extra tables set up so you guys can sign stuff with Broken Oasis for the fans.”
I glance over at them, catching the stunned look on their faces, realizing we’ve just made their night. Usually, it’s just us signing autographs for fans, but with the band’s growing popularity, Xander suggested incorporating Walter’s band into the session. Seeing the excitement on their faces takes me back to the frenetic energy of our first tour with the hottest band at the time. That moment when we joined them for signings felt like everything.
Within seconds, Kit ushers us into a room across the hall, and I can already hear the buzz of fans waiting, practically vibrating with excitement to meet us. Behind the screen doors, I catch snippets of conversations—guys talking about Scarlet—and it makes my blood fucking boil. Those assholes. If any of them so much as think about touching her tonight, they’ll have to deal with me. I won’t hesitate to shove my fist right into any prick’s face who crosses that line. No one’s laying a hand on what’s mine—I can fucking guarantee that.
Kit sets us up at the table, black Sharpies ready in hand. Scarlet is at the end, with Jack next to her, and I’m right beside him. Jack was a total asshole when we first met, but he’s chilled out since then. We’ve had drinks and bullshit sessions in the green room, and after Theo and I laid into him, he’s kept hisdistance. I don’t expect him to try anything with Scarlet again. Besides, he’s probably figured out we’re together, especially since I made a point of holding her hand when we walked in.
“So, how many pairs of tits do you get to sign at these things?” Jack asks, grinning like a kid in a candy store.
I chuckle, thinking back to the time when Theo and I were just as excited doing our first signing. “Quite a few,” I reply, still laughing.
Jack’s eyes light up, and he grins wide. “I don’t think that’ll ever get old. If a chick wants to flash her tits, I’m all for it. The more, the better.”
“I hear ya,” I say, laughing. Scarlet leans forward, shooting me a look that could melt steel, and I can’t help but grin. The jealousy in her eyes is kinda fucking adorable.
“Asshole,” she mouths, turning her head away.
The doors swing open, and the fans come charging in, nearly tumbling over each other to reach the roped-off section Kit set up. I watch them, eyes wide and starry, as they scramble to line up. Scarlet’s the first one in line for signings at the table, and I spot a girl at the front, her friends racing behind her. She’s holding one of the new posters Kit had printed with Scarlet on it, and watching Scarlet sign it—rather than having to scribble her name on Nate’s image—makes me grin like an idiot. I can tell this is a huge deal for her.
“Thank you. You’re awesome,” the girl says before moving on to Jack.
The look in her eyes heats up as she checks him out. He’s decent enough—not a pretty boy like Xander—but I bet the chicks will still go fucking nuts for him. As soon as he drops that Aussie accent, it’s like she fucking melts. He gives her a wicked grin, and his lines roll off his tongue smooth and flirty, just like Theo’s.
Fuck me, I have to stop myself from laughing. Jack’s charm with that accent is off the charts. I can already picture the chaos if he and Theo teamed up on the prowl—those chicks would be losing their shit. With Theo’s effortless swagger and Jack’s smooth-talking Aussie vibe, they’d turn every room they walked into a full-on frenzy.
When she finally pulls herself together, she saunters over to me. Even though she’s still in that gooey, Jack-induced daze, she manages to flash me a smile.
With a grin, I take the poster from her and sign it, then hand it back, and watch as she shuffles off to the next person in line.
I spot a girl standing right in front of Jack, flashing her tits in his face. His eyes go wide, and he’s grinning like he just won the lottery. He tries to act casual, but it’s pretty obvious he’s loving every second of it. I can’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole thing. Jack glances at me and says, “Fuck, I love this job, man.”
Still wearing that stupid grin, Jack signs the girl’s tits before she struts over to me, her top still pulled up, flaunting her assets like it’s no big deal. I scribble my name on her skin, and she thanks me before walking off. These groupies are fucking wild. But now that I’m with Scarlet, they don’t have the same pull they used to.
We keep pushing through the crowd, signing tits and moving merch. After a while, everything starts to blur together.
About twenty minutes later, Jack shoots me a look, his face twisted with concern. “Something is going on with Scarlet.”
I lean forward, my stomach twisting into knots as I spot a guy standing in front of Scarlet, his hand clamped around her wrist like a vice. She’s tense, struggling to pull her arm free, but the asshole just tightens his grip, a smirk on his face.
That sight ignites a fire in my veins, rage surging like a tidal wave. I shove my chair back, the screech of wood on thefloor ringing out like a battle cry. There’s no way I’m letting this asshole think he can lay a hand on her without consequences. My blood is boiling, and I’m ready to march over there and make it painfully clear that he’s crossed a line.
Chapter 33