Then Xander turns his attention to Scarlet, his grin softening while still shining with pride. “Don’t ever let anyone put you in Nate’s shadow. Those assholes don’t know anything.You absolutely owned it out there, Scarlet. You fucking nailed it.”

“See? I told you assholes she was just as fucking good,” Theo chimes in, pulling Scarlet into a hug.

Xander slaps me on the back, all proud and shit, but I barely register it. My attention is glued to Scarlet, her chin resting on Theo’s shoulder, a genuine smile illuminating her face as if she’s just conquered the world. When our eyes lock, I nod at her, silently conveying that she absolutely crushed it, all while keeping it low-key in front of the others. This moment is hers, and I’m here to support her.

Xander grips my shoulder, and the energy of the night still pulses through my veins. All I want right now is a drink and to get completely wasted, relishing this huge accomplishment we only dreamed about months ago. Ever since I smashed that damn camera, I've felt a weight on my shoulders. But now that we’ve pulled it off, I'm itching to dive into some groupie action and ride this adrenaline wave for as long as possible. Tonight belongs to us, and I plan to celebrate it hard.

Chapter 14


I’m so glad that’s over. What a wild rush! Despite Nate’s advice that I should take it all in, I just couldn’t. I couldn’t afford to let my guard down; knowing how important this night was for the guys, I deliberately kept my eyes away from Ace. Just one look at him thriving on stage would’ve derailed my concentration and turned everything upside down.

Ace does that to me. When Nate got Mom, Dad, and me tickets to watch their first concert from the wings, I couldn’t take my eyes off Ace. That was before I joined my old band and hooked up with Beck. I don’t know what it was about Ace that day, but even then, he had this irresistible pull. The way he losthimself in his music, the intense concentration on his face, even though he barely smiled—the few times he did, I couldn’t look away. He made me so damn nervous back then, and every time he glanced my way, I got butterflies, just like I still do today.

Theo wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a warm embrace. Tonight was a big deal for him too, not only because of the label and the guys, but also because he’s the one who fought to get me here—I know he’s proud. That’s the thing about Theo; he’s always there, pushing what’s best for me.

“You killed it out there,” Theo says, as he pulls me in tighter and plants a kiss on my head.

I let out a deep breath, feeling the stress finally melt away. I can finally relax now, relishing in the sweet taste of victory after successfully completing the first concert. With only forty-two more to go, I’m determined not to fuck a single one up. Too much is riding on this.

My attention turns to Ace and Xander, who are walking ahead of me, their excitement evident in their animated conversation. I can’t help but let my gaze linger on Ace, tracing the intricate tattoos that adorn his arms and admiring the way those black jeans cling to his sculpted physique. I can’t help but check out his ass—dude’s in fucking shape. A part of me wonders if he’ll end up with a few groupies tonight. I hope not, but I know I have no control over that. He’s clarified that we are nothing serious, so he’ll probably sleep with whoever’s willing. I let out a deep breath, the high of the night fading as I contemplate the possibility of Ace being with someone else.

As we step into the green room, I catch Kit laying down the law for Walter’s band. Jack is practically salivating at the chance of getting some action. I get why Theo went off on him; he’s done the same thing to every guy who’s ever shown an interest in me. It’s been his thing since high school—making any guy who even glanced my way his next target. Back then, it was my nightmare;every time a guy showed interest, I knew Theo and my brother would make things hell for them.

But I don’t get why Ace stepped in like he did. I could see the anger in him, the way he stared Jack down with that intense glare. Was it just some alpha male pissing contest? Who the hell knows? But if Ace is going to act like that every time a guy shows interest, it’s going to get real old, real fast. Don’t these idiots realize I can handle myself? I have a voice, and I’m perfectly capable of telling someone I’m not interested. I’ve said as much to Theo and my brother countless times over the years, but they never seem to get it through their thick heads.

I drift over to the far wall, trailing behind Ace and Xander as they head to the table with the drinks. They each grab a beer from the ice bucket, already celebrating, while I choose a bottle of water. Kit's voice rings out behind us, outlining the rules and expectations for the night, detailing what’s required from Disturbed and Twisted, who are already partying on the couch.

I glance over and see Sabrina, the only girl in the other band, looking my way with a warm smile. She’s been really kind, and earlier we talked about how challenging it can be to be surrounded by so much masculine energy. She mentioned that she’s grown up with these guys and would be lost without them. I feel that pang again, the one that reminds me of how alone I feel sometimes.

As Kit wraps up her briefing, she turns to Ace and Xander. “We might have Broken Oasis head out first to sign some stuff for the fans. After that, we’ll all come back here to the green room and bring in the rest of the backstage party guests.”

This whole scene is new to me. Even though I’ve played a few gigs with my old band, it was never on this scale. I know that once we head out to where Kit is taking us, it’ll feel like a completely different experience—one I’m not entirely accustomed to.

Ace, Xander, and Theo down their beers, setting the empty bottles on the table before following Kit out of the green room. As Xander and Kit take the lead, I can’t help but notice Ace’s unwavering gaze directed at me. My heart skips a beat as he quickly averts his gaze and catches up with Xander and Kit down the lengthy corridor, his usual no-bullshit vibe radiating from him.

Theo comes up beside me, grabbing my hand as we trail behind. Despite my efforts to stay focused, my eyes are drawn to Ace. I watch him run a hand through his hair, noticing how his muscles flex with every movement. I know I shouldn’t crave him as much as I do, especially knowing that in the end, it’ll only hurt.

As the door swings open and Xander steps into view, the fans erupt into an explosive chorus of high-pitched screams. The noise is deafening. Ace follows, and the uproar doesn’t let up; if anything, it grows louder. Theo and I step in next, but the crowd’s frenzy remains unyielding. It’s clear—these guys are gods in the eyes of these people, worshiped and revered in every possible way.

Kit hands out black Sharpies to all of us, and as I scan the area, I realize there are no tables set up. We line up in a straight row, side by side, and I watch as the girls at the front step forward, eager to get close to their idols. Some of them completely miss me, their attention solely on the guys. The moment they stand in front of them, they lift their shirts, flashing their tits for signatures.

It hits me—each of these guys could have any groupie they want. The adoring, wide-eyed looks on their faces, as they smile and gaze at the guys make it clear why they thrive in this environment. They live for the thrill of being chosen as the ones they want to fuck, the ones they want to spend the night with. I roll my eyes as Theo uses his usual pickup line, his cockygrin shining as he charms the girls, soaking up every ounce of attention. The urge to elbow him and express how repulsive his words are is hard to resist. Sure, charm is one thing, but this goes beyond what’s acceptable.

A swarm of guys rushes forward, closing in, and I spot one in baggy jeans holding a Broken Oasis cap. Their predatory gazes lock onto me, and it’s the same old shit I’ve seen a million times—they view me as nothing more than a trophy to conquer or a plaything, never as a human being. Male groupies are the worst. Back with my old band, I dealt with a few who thought it was okay to make crude comments or touch me like they owned me.

I know Theo will flip out if one of them steps out of line. His protective instincts kick in whenever I’m around idiots like this.

“Hey, beautiful,” one of them says, flashing a cocky grin like it’s some kind of magic spell.

Yeah, real original—like I haven’t heard that a million times. The guy in the middle inches closer, his gaze sliding down to my tits. It’s clear he’s putting on a show for his buddies. There’s always one asshole who thinks he’s the exception, that alpha ego-driven idiot who believes he can charm me into spreading my legs like I’m some easy fuck. He throws me a wink, and I brace myself for the inevitable shitty pickup line. He glances around at his friends, and I can tell they’ve probably already swapped all their filthy stories about what they want to do to me.

He turns back to me, grinning, and lifts his shirt, pointing to the spot just above his baggy jeans where his boxers peek out. I don’t even bother looking down—that’s exactly what this asshole wants: for me to check out his junk. But he keeps grinning like he just pulled off some slick move.

“Can you sign here, or are you game enough to sign my dick?”

The idiot beams like he just scored the winning touchdown, throwing a smug wink at his buddies as if he’s accomplished some epic stunt. It pisses me off.