“Well, you guys have got forty-two more concerts like that,” Xander says, glancing at the guys sprawled on the couch.

“Fuck yeah,” Jack replies, a grin spreading across his face.

I chuckle, thinking back to how earlier I was all set to take this guy down for eyeing Scarlet. But now, seeing this wild, crazy side of Jack, I’ve got to admit, the guy’s kind of growing on me. He’s been a whole rollercoaster of personalities today—the cocky prick, the apologetic guy who owned up to his mistakes, and now this wild party animal. I can’t lie; he’d probably be a blast to hang out with on the party scene. I bet Walter’s got some insane stories about the two of them growing up, probably just as crazy as the shit Xander and I used to get into back in the day.

The door creaks open, and Neil pokes his head in, his eyes scanning the room until they land on me. “Kit’s gonna have my head if you guys aren’t out there in the next few minutes,” he says, his voice all business.

As we head toward the door, the guys behind us shout their goodbyes, throwing out last-minute wishes of good luck. Arms crossed, Neil waits for us with a mischievous smirk, like he’s plotting something. As we finally step out and the door clicksshut behind us, he turns to face us, his smirk stretching into a wide, toothy grin.

“Got a message from Nate for all of you,” he says, his tone dropping just enough to grab everyone’s attention. “And just so we’re clear, this is straight from him—not me. He said if you screw this up, he’s gonna kick all your asses.” His eyes shift over to Scarlet, and his grin softens. “And for you, he wants you to know that you’ve got this.”

“Yeah, I’d like to see him try and kick my ass,” Theo says with a smirk. “That idiot’s talking out his ass. I’d probably trip over my own feet and end up taking the fucker down. The guy’s a pussy—couldn’t throw a punch to save his fucking life.”

I chuckle, feeling relieved to hear that. When I finally come clean about what happened between Scarlet and me, at least I know Nate won’t be using his fists.

“You’re forgetting about Nick Johnson,” Scarlet says.

“Yeah, but Nick was a complete asshole who deserved that shit,” Theo says, shaking his head.

Alright, scratch that. Looks like Nate can throw a punch after all.

Neil heads toward the stage, and we trail behind him. I see that Scarlet's gone quiet, her hands fidgeting. When Neil leaves us at the wing of the stage, she lifts her head and locks eyes with me. I give her a nod, silently telling her that she’s got this.

“Alright, let’s fucking do this,” Xander says, his voice cutting through the tension as he tries to fire us up.

We’re nearing the end of the show, and Scarlet’s absolutely fucking killing it on the drums. Every beat, every rhythm, she’snailing it. From where I’m standing, I can see Xander watching her, and he’s clearly impressed. That tough guy act he always pulls is nowhere to be seen.

As for me? I can’t take my eyes off her. Watching her lose herself in the music. It’s a hell of a sight, and it’s hard as shit to look away. And that smile on her face? Shit, it’s hot as fuck.

Theo’s got the biggest smile on his face. It’s clear he’s proud as hell, and I know he’d probably lose that grin if he knew what was going on in my head right now.

The crowd erupts, and Scarlet’s drumming only intensifies the frenzy. As we prepare for our signature closer, "Creep," the energy shifts. The wild cheers fade, replaced by an electric anticipation that’s almost palpable, like the entire audience is holding its breath, waiting for the moment the song kicks in. Right on cue, the sea of phones lights up, illuminating the stadium like a sea of tiny stars.

I take it all in, and it hits me: this is it. This exact moment is what I live for. Up here, I’m not the fucked-up mess I feel like most of the time. I’m alive and fully myself. This is who the fuck I am, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Not the past, not the bullshit, none of it. This is where it all makes sense, where it’s all worth it.

As the song reaches its conclusion, Xander turns to me with that familiar shit-eating grin, and it’s obvious—we crushed it. All the doubts we had about branching out on our own. Gone. We fucking nailed it. I scan the crowd, taking in the sea of faces, the deafening roar of their cheers, and it hits me hard. Our first night, our first concert under this new label? It’s been a goddamn triumph.

Xander raises his hands, signaling for silence, and in an instant, the crowd falls into an eager hush, hanging on his every move. It’s like he’s got this magnetic pull, controlling thousands of people with just a gesture. The stadium is alive, crackling withan energy that pulses through every corner, and you can feel it—everyone is waiting, breath held, like he’s some kind of world leader.

Then, right on cue, some chick yells, “Fuck me, Xander!” And that’s when I catch that signature grin of his—the one that spreads like wildfire across his face whenever someone screams shit like that. It’s classic Xander, all charm and zero interest. That playful, I’m flattered smile. Totally for the crowd, part of the act. He’s got this way of making them feel like they’re the center of his universe.

Xander leans into the mic, completely brushing off the comment. “As you all know, one of us couldn’t be here tonight” The crowd instantly erupts at the mention of Nate. “The media’s been running their mouths, saying the person filling in for Nate tonight only got the gig because she’s his sister.” He glances over at Scarlet. I flick my eyes over to her, spotting that quick flash of uncertainty—like she’s wondering what the hell Xander’s about to drop. “Come out here, Scarlet,” he says.

Scarlet hesitates for a moment, glancing between us and the crowd, her expression a mix of nerves. Then, with a deep breath, she stands and walks towards the front of the stage, drumsticks still in hand. The cheers grow louder. It’s her moment, and I see the flicker of doubt on her face as she steps into the spotlight.

The crowd lets out a few whistles, and I know every dude out there is probably imagining all kinds of filthy shit they’d like to do to her. It pisses me off, but I can’t blame them—she’s hot as hell. Some idiot gives an obnoxious whistle, and I watch her drop her head, blushing, her long blonde hair sliding forward to hide her face.

Xander grins and continues speaking. “This is Scarlet, and yeah, she’s Nate’s sister. So fucking what? She just showed you all how badass she is up here.” The crowd cheers, and I spot Theo beaming a huge smile. Xander’s not done, though. “To allthose media fuckheads making a big deal out of it—fuck you. You don’t know shit about talent. So shut the fuck up and let the pros handle it.”

The crowd roars in approval, their energy surging even higher, as if they’re rallying behind Xander’s words. Xander’s eating it all up, milking every second of the chaos. Scarlet stands there, her cheeks flushed, caught between disbelief and pride. It’s like Xander just gave her the ultimate vote of confidence, and I can see her nerves beginning to melt away under the crowd’s adoration.

Xander raises his hand again, attempting to calm the crowd, signaling for them to quiet down. “I just want to say thanks for making tonight absolutely epic,” he yells into the mic. “Without you all, we wouldn’t get to do what we love every night—this is our life, and it’s all because of you. And we’re just getting started.”

Amid the thunderous applause and cheers, Xander gives Theo and me a nod. We put our guitars aside and join him and Scarlet at the front of the stage. We throw our hands up, giving the crowd one last wave, letting their wild energy wash over us like a tidal wave. It’s pure adrenaline, a powerful reminder of why we live for this moment.

As we trail behind Xander across the stage, the crowd’s deafening roar echoes in our ears. Once we reach the wings, Xander spins around, a wild grin plastered on his face. “We did it, man! We fucking did it!” he shouts, extending his hand toward me.

I grab it, pulling him into a hug, feeling that surge of victory slam into me, then he steps back and does the same with Theo.