"The day I came home and found Beck in my apartment, I had just finished an audition. I honestly thought I nailed it."

“And I’m sure you did, Scar.”

"Thanks, Nate," I say, managing a smile. That’s the thing about my brother—he’s always been my biggest supporter. “Everything seemed to be going well. It came down to me and another guy. From where they had me sitting, I could hear the questions they asked him about his past successes, so I knew it was down to just the two of us. But when they finished with him and called me over, they didn’t ask me anything like that.”

“Why? What did they ask?” Nate inquires, his curiosity piqued.

“Well, the first question they hit me with was about you,” I respond.

“What did they say?”

“They asked if I was related to you. When I said yes, the three guys exchanged looks, and I could feel it in my gut. This same thing has happened before.”

“I’m sorry, Scar,” Nate says softly, the sincerity in his voice evident.

“It’s okay; it’s not your fault. After I answered that question, I thought they’d shift their focus back to my audition, like they did with the guy before me. You know, asking about my music. But they didn’t. Instead, they asked if I was in their band, if Icould get them on the opening list for your tour.” I choose not to mention the uncomfortable moment when one of the guys stared at my chest, giving me an uneasy feeling. But I suppose that’s just how things are in the music scene. Even male groupies can be way too forward with female musicians. In my previous band, I lost track of how many times I had to shut them down. “So I just got up and left. It felt like all those other times where they’re more interested in my connections than my talent.”

“I still don’t get why you turned down Theo’s offer.”

"But that's exactly why I turned it down. It's simple, Nate. I'm always being compared to you. If I joined, I’d just be setting myself up for even more comparisons."

"I think you're making a mistake. Fuck those assholes for treating you like that, but our fans would love to have you on board. Scar, we play exactly the same. Who better to join Broken Oasis than the drummer's little sister?"

"Yeah, but that’s the problem, Nate. Everyone will think I only got the gig for that reason."

"No fucking way they’ll think that Scar. You're overthinking it. The fans will love that my sister's stepping in for me. Once they hear you play, it’ll prove you’re the best for the job. The guys wouldn’t have offered it if they didn’t think you were good enough."

"But they haven’t even heard me play."

"No, but Theo and I have told Xander and Ace how badass you are. They know you personally, which is a huge plus. If they brought in someone else, what if Xander or Ace doesn’t vibe with them? Xander won’t tolerate anyone’s bullshit, and Ace—well, you saw how he was with that paparazzi guy. He’s got his own demons, just like Theo. If anyone pisses him off, he’ll lash out and do something even more messed up. Trust me, we don’t need more of that kind of chaos on our hands."

Despite his grumpy outburst, I can’t help but smirk at the memory of Ace hurling that camera. Nate’s words continue to echo in my thoughts. He’s right—Xander and Ace know me, and I know them. I get the dynamics of the band. The way Xander’s influence shapes everything, and Ace’s strategic mind that drives it all. Nate and Theo hold these guys in high regard, evident from the mutual respect and admiration they share.

"I think you should go for it, Scar," Nate insists. "Even if it’s a big 'fuck you' to all those assholes who never saw your talent and only saw you as a stepping stone for their connections."

Lost in thought, I absentmindedly chew on my bottom lip. Could I actually make this happen? Step into Nate’s shoes and learn their entire set list in just two weeks? The thought sends a rush of excitement and fear coursing through my veins.

“This is a fantastic opportunity, Scar,” Nate says, his enthusiasm infectious. “And who knows what doors this could open after those sixty days on tour?”

“So you really think I should go for it?” I ask, second-guessing myself again.

“I do. Theo feels the same way. Those assholes don’t see your talent, no matter who you audition for. This is your chance to prove them wrong. Show them just how damn talented you really are. Take this opportunity to make a name for yourself. Let them see that it’s your skills they should be recognizing, not just using you as a connection to exploit.”

I sit there, letting his words sink in as I contemplate the idea of making a name for myself. Can this opportunity truly be the turning point where I break free from my brother’s shadow? I’ve always thrived on challenges, and the rhythmic beat of the drums has captivated me since the day Nate got his first drum set. Learning every song on the band’s playlist and putting in the hard work wouldn’t be an issue. Right now, the most important thing is finding the strength within myself to seizethis chance and prove to everyone, myself included, that I am a gifted musician in my own regard and not just a way to form connections.

"Okay," I say to Nate. "I'll do it."

Chapter 9


We’re all gathered in the studio at my place. Scarlet’s test run on Nate’s drum kit is nothing short of explosive, as she plays with an intensity that leaves us in awe.

With his bass guitar draped over his shoulder, Theo’s beside me, as if we belong to some exclusive guitar club. Xander’s out by the soundboard, adjusting knobs and observing us through the large glass panel.

So far, we have mentioned nothing to the press about the concerts. While Theo and Nate are completely on board with Scarlet stepping in, Xander and I need to be damn sure she’s theright fit. We haven’t even seen her play yet, and this decision can’t be half-assed just because she’s Nate’s sister.

In the midst of editing the new album, Theo delivered the news: Scarlet would be stepping in for Nate.