Page 35 of Five Summers

I stand up and stash my phone in my pocket, feeling super grateful that Ace interrupted me from making the dumbest move of my life. If I kissed her, she might get clingy, and that's not what I want.

As I head back to the main room, I see Poppy grabbing the remote and pointing it at the TV. She ignores me completely as she settles on the couch and watches the TV.

"Catch you later," I say, heading for the door.

"Yeah, whatever," she says, her eyes fixed on the TV, refusing to make eye contact.

Grasping the doorknob, I feel the weight of guilt as her heartbreaking story about her dad lingers in my mind. She bared her soul and confided in me. And I'm just walking away, leaving her alone in an ocean of sadness. I force myself to keep moving, ignoring the urge to glance back because I can't admit I'm sort of into her.

I shut the door and dash across the yard, effortlessly jumping over the little fence. And then it hits me. How the fuck am I going to explain to Ace why I was at Poppy’s house?

As I head to the passenger's side door, I feel Ace staring at me through the front windshield. Climbing into the car, the interior light illuminates his face, revealing his intense eyes locked onto mine.

“You’ve gotta be fucking her.”

“No way. Fuck off, asshole. I already told you she's not my type. I was just saying thanks again for the guitar.”

“With your dick?”

As soon as I close the car door, the light inside goes off.

“You think I'd get a hard-on from Poppy Reeves?” I laugh out loud and immediately feel a pang of guilt for the way I’m talking about her. But I did it because I didn't want him to catch on to what is happening to me and because I can’t even wrap my head around what the hell is going on with me.

“Well, if you didn’t fuck then why is there a wet stain?”

Shit, I totally forgot about that. He would've seen the wet spot from the car's headlights beaming down on me when I walked up to him.

“What are you checking out my dick now?”

“Fuck off. Just admit you banged her.”

“Just drive, asshole,” I say, settling into the passenger’s seat.

Chapter twelve


The next day at school, I make it a point to avoid Xander by seeking solace in the library during my free time. I am determined to steer clear of him, as the sight of his face would only serve as a constant reminder of him being a selfish asshole.

My mother has barely left for work when I hear knocking on my front door echoing through the house. Instead of getting up off the couch, I choose to ignore it and focus on the TV. That asshole can go fuck himself. I should've known better than to expect anything else from that jerk. I've studied him enough to figure out he uses people only to get what he wants. I know that once I open that door, his intoxicating presence will draw me in, just as it always does. With just one touch, I know I'll be repeating the same foolish actions from last night. Why doesmy self-control go out the window every time I’m around him? Although it’s thrilling to please Xander, I won’t be his go-to person. I won't be one of those girls who just gives him pleasure and then gets tossed aside like a piece of trash. Yeah, I know, I've already said that after the whole blowjob thing, but I won't screw up like that anymore.

Last night, I shared things with him about my father that I’ve never told anyone else. I opened up my soul to him, only for him to trample all over it with his sudden departure. He dismissed me as if my vulnerability meant nothing.

But that's the issue with someone like Xander, he takes what he wants and then acts like I don't exist. So fuck him and his bad boy ways. I'm no longer the quick fuck when he has nothing better to do. He can go to hell because I’m done with his bullshit.

The sound of knocking on the door intensifies.

“Come on, Princess. I know you’re in there.”

I grab the TV remote and increase the volume, effectively drowning out his alluring voice. If he can ignore me without a care at school, I can totally do the same.

He pounds harder on the door.

I crank up the volume a few more notches.

The knocking stops, and I can finally relax. Turning down the TV, I grab the big bowl of popcorn I made for myself.

While munching on some popcorn, I'm interrupted by a sudden knock on the window.