Page 198 of Five Summers

Theo glances up at the sound of my voice and replies, “Bianca.”

Nate places his beer on the table and grabs his phone. Within seconds, he hands it to me, eager to show me the girl who held such significance in both their lives. As I look at the screen, I see a younger Nate with longer blonde hair. Theo looks the same, just with a more youthful, almost teenage-like face. Between them stands a beautiful girl, her dark hair cascading in beautiful waves. What grabs my attention are her dark brown eyes and a smile that just radiates pure happiness. They all smile together in a selfie. The smile on Nate’s face in the photo is unfamiliar to me, unlike any I have seen from him before. Could this be the reason why he's so serious now? Perhaps life’s challenges have taken its toll on him, weighing heavily on his heart.

“Music was her thing,” Theo says. “She absolutely loved it. One of the most talented guitarists I’ve ever come across. No offense, Ace,” he says, directing his gaze toward Ace.

“None taken, man,” Ace replies.

"I thought you knew, Xander," Theo says, giving me a look. “I told Poppy about Bianca at the zoo.”

“Nah, she didn't say a word to me. Bianca was stunning.” I pass Nate back his phone.

"Yeah, she totally was," Nate says, gazing at the photo before he turns off his phone and shoves it back in his pocket.

We take a moment to sit in silence, enjoying our beers, as the sound of laughter comes from the other tables around us. It's great to see everyone gathered here, instead of the band always being isolated, like when Reg was in charge.

Once the food arrives, the talk switches to the wild adventures the guys have had in New Zealand. Theo's cracking up as he describes Nate and Ace's epic disguises for their adventure. They all go into detail about their trips, sharing the incredible sights and unforgettable experiences they had together.

Chapter seventy-four


Xander has been gone for only three days, and I’m going crazy without him. Despite talking twice a day, once with Alex, and later having a more intimate conversation with just the two of us, involving a bit of phone action. Xander's dirty talk has always been a turn-on, but damn, when he gets explicit about what he wants to do to me, it's next level.

Xander filled me in about Ronnie, who won’t quit hitting on him. Just last night, right after the concert, she showed up at his door, saying she wanted to chat. Instead of opening the door, Xander had Neil come over and ask her to leave. The guys' new plan is to get Neil to kick her out when she shows up. Poor Neil. I feel sorry for him for having to deal with her shitty antics. ButI tell you, if I ever come across that bitch, she’s gonna regret hitting on my man.

Xander’s day trip pics are always a riot, especially with the guys’ hilarious disguises. But none of them can beat Theo's crazy sideburns and over-the-top mustache. Without Reg, they're having a blast exploring more of the country they're touring. And in turn, I send Xander photos of Alex and me as we go about our days.

We've made ourselves at home in this beautiful place. I haven't had a chance to hang my posters yet, the ones from my old bedroom. I’m kinda lost on where to put them because I wanna make sure it’s okay with Xander. Especially with all the music awards proudly displayed on the walls, highlighting his success with diamond, gold, and platinum albums.

During the afternoons, Alex and I enjoy spending time together in the pool. Afterward, we head indoors, where I indulge in some baking, and Alex tries to learn his dad’s songs on his guitar. There are many moments when I see him, completely engrossed in his guitar, hunched over with the instrument resting on his lap. His mouth slightly contorts in concentration, reminiscent of Xander. When Xander’s back, Alex wants to play one of the band's songs on his guitar to surprise him.

Whenever my son talks about his dad, I can see the love in his eyes. Despite the difficulty I faced at the time and over the years that followed, I know now that leaving my mom's house was the best choice, particularly when she began speaking ill of Xander. The father-child relationship is something I’ve always held sacred, and I would never want it to be tainted. I felt compelled to tell Alex about his dad, even though Xander had not been a part of his life at that point. The last thing I wanted was to follow in my mother's footsteps, witnessing the chaos she created with her hurtful words and actions towards my father.

Every day, I am uncovering the world of music that I have missed out on for so many years. The sound of the piano resonates through the air as I lose myself in the melodies that effortlessly come to life under my fingertips. It feels as though a beloved old friend has resurfaced, granting me a renewed sense of liberation and emotional release, just as it once did before.

As I navigate through this journey, a powerful urge emerges within me to aid children who face difficulties in communicating, especially those who cannot speak. The aspirations I once had for my life are resurfacing. I realize now that my mother’s perception of me does not define who I am. I have the potential to surpass her expectations and become so much more than she thinks.

Chapter seventy-five


I’m counting down the days until our reunion. Seeing the photo Poppy just sent me of her and Alex by the pool, I really wish I could be there with them.

Tonight's our last concert, but I can't wait to hop on the plane and head home. I can't wait to wrap my arms around my girl and give my son a big hug. Introducing Alex to the guys is something I’m eagerly looking forward to. They're curious about him, asking questions about home every time I hang up. While I love my job and it fulfills all my aspirations, my love for them surpasses everything.

I've thought about the future and how I see myself moving forward with my family and the band. Now it’s time to tell the guys what I want. Despite Ronnie's annoying attention-seeking behavior, I’m willing to part with my beloved songs, even if it’s gonna hurt like hell. It's important for us to venture out on our own.

Anita told Ace that the offer was really tempting, but the contract said Ronnie would stick around as our band manager. When Ace told Lionel again that we didn't want her here, he just brushed it off, saying we got everything we wanted. Lionel also mentioned he’s keeping her in the role as a favor for an old college buddy and suggested he have some fun with her if she’s up for it. It hit me that she might be a cunning groupie, scheming to get close to one of us for her own gain, like some gold-digging hussy.

That's why tonight, I've told Neil to stand guard at the green room door and keep her the fuck away, so we can have our meeting before the show begins. Theo and I are patiently waiting for Nate and Ace to join us at the meeting I requested today. Today Ace and Nate were off exploring, so Theo and I ended up at the cinema. It's great to do normal things like everyone else. But when the lights came back on, I had to suffer through wearing that scratchy wig and cap again.

“It’s kinda sad that this is the last show, huh?” Theo says.

“Yeah, but I really want to go home.”

“I get it.”

The door swings open, and Nate and Ace walk in, all dressed up for the show. With the opening act nearing the end of their set, I know I have to hurry.