While lost in my thoughts, I suddenly realize that Poppy's mother is no longer in the frame.
Alex’s smile suddenly fades and his brow furrows as he focuses on me. I smile when I notice, he holds his brows and his mouth the same way I do when something is confusing.
“Do you know who this is?” Poppy asks.
“Yes, it’s Daddy,” he replies with a smile.
When he calls me that name, it tugs at my heartstrings, almost bringing tears to my eyes.
“Hello, Alex,” I say.
“Hi, Daddy.”
My heart melts for this little boy; it’s as if I’ve traveled back in time, reminiscing about the days when I had a loving mother who meant everything to me.
“Are you almost done with your work, Daddy?”
I recall Poppy’s words, mentioning that she informed him about my busy schedule and our impending meeting.
Glancing at Poppy, I find her smiling, watching the interaction as I smile down at my son.
“Yes, I’m just about finished. I’ll be home soon.”
“Have you seen a kangaroo yet, Mommy?”
I’m smiling so much that the muscles in my cheeks ache.
“No, I haven’t seen one yet.”
“What about a koala? Have you seen one of them?”
“No, not yet,” she replies, “but if I do, I’ll take a photo so you can see it.”
“And see if you can get one that has a baby on its back.”
“Come on, Alex, it’s time to go,” I hear Poppy’s mother say through the phone, standing somewhere nearby.
“Gran said I have to go.”
I hear the disappointment in Alex’s voice, and I wish I could tell the old bitch to fuck off.
“Alright, sweetie. You be good for Gran, and I’ll see you soon. Love you.”
“I love you too, Mom. Bye, Daddy.”
“Bye, little man.”
Poppy’s mother comes onto the screen. “Can I talk to my daughter alone, please?”
Poppy takes a deep breath and releases it in a huff, as if frustrated. Within seconds, the video call transitions to a voice call, and Poppy brings her phone up to her ear. I refuse to let that witch destroy the emotions coursing through me after finally having the chance to meet and speak to my son.
However, despite her mother’s best efforts for a private conversation, her loud voice still penetrates through the phone.
“Do you really think that was a good idea, Poppy? After everything he put you through. He’ll just leave you, and not just you this time.”
I’m irritated by her words, so I pull my plate back towards me and finish my cold burger. The best thing to do is to fill my mouth with something so I don’t tell the old bitch what I think of her.
“It’s not your decision, it’s mine and I’ll decide what is best for my son. He’s our son. He should know his father,” Poppy retorts.