The taxi comes to a halt, and I come back to reality. We’ve stopped in a park with a water view. Thank God he’s not been one of those taxi drivers who talk for hours and hours.
“Is this okay?” he asks.
I look out the window and see a few people in the park.
“It’s great. Thanks, man.” I quickly grab my phone, pay, and open the car door. Right as I'm about to get out, the driver speaks.
“If you want a cab back, go one block down that way.” He points down the street on the left.
“Thanks again, man,” I say, getting out and closing the door.
As the taxi pulls out and returns to the street, the driver gives me a quick wave.
As I sit on the grassy slope by the water's edge, I wonder how the fuck I can make it up to Poppy and Alex for the years of abandonment and how to mend our fractured relationship.
Chapter fifty-seven
I’ve shed an ocean of tears since Xander walked out that door. Why is it that all I do is cry on this trip to Australia? I haven’t cried this much since Xander left me and I found out I was pregnant. But that’s what Xander does—he just leaves when he can’t handle shit.
I’m so pissed at what my mother did. Not once did she tell me about Xander coming back. She knew how much he meant to me. She saw how much I cried when she consoled me when I found out I was pregnant. She never let on that she was the reason behind Xander leaving in the first place. It all makes sense now when she continually said that she helped me get my life back on track. I often wondered what she meant by that. ButI never put the pieces together until now. Not even when she wouldn’t stop shitting on Xander.
The fact that he never knew about Alex makes me happy yet a little sad. I’m relieved to find out that Xander never rejected him, but it’s also saddening that Xander has missed out on so much of his life already.
Grabbing my phone, I feel a wave of anger wash over me. I swipe the screen, navigate to my contacts, and locate my mother’s number. The fact that I never knew what she had done weighs heavily on my heart. However, as I press the call button, I quickly reconsider. With the time zone difference, it’s the middle of the night, and I don’t want to disturb Alex’s sleep.
Frustrated, I toss my phone onto the bed and get up,making my way to the bathroom. Seeking solace, I reach for the washcloth, run it under warm water, and gently dab it over my puffy eyes.
I’ve shed so many tears for this man for years, yearning for his love and affection. Discovering that he returned that morning, along with the things my mother said to him, makes me want to break down and cry for all the time we’ve lost. Xander coming back to talk to my mom tells me I meant more to him than I realized. There’s no way he would put himself through that if he didn’t care.
I rush out of the bathroom when I hear my phone ringing, thinking it might be Xander. I know I haven’t given him my number yet, but as history has shown me, he has ways of getting what he wants.
I’m disappointed when I see it’s Ace calling. Worry washes over me as I wonder what is going on. The only time I ever hear from Ace is when something is wrong.
“Hello,” I answer.
“Hey Poppy, is Xander with you?”
“No, why?”
“Is he with her?” I hear Reg ask in the background. By his tone, I can hear he’s ticked off about something.
“No!” Ace says. “He’s not with her.”
“Well, tell her to get the fuck down here and find him. That’s what she’s paid to do.”
“Calm the fuck down!” Ace spits. “Any idea where he might be?”
“No... but...” I pause for a moment, unsure if I should tell Ace what happened. But I know they'll be heading to sound check soon. “I need to tell you something, but I don’t want Reg to hear it. Can you come up here, and make sure Reg doesn’t come with you. I don’t want him here when I tell you what happened.”
“Okay, I’ll be there soon.”
After I hang up the phone, I start pacing the room, anxiously waiting for Ace to show up.
A few moments later, I hear a knock on the door and quickly go to open it, revealing the rest of the band. Ace enters first, followed by Theo and Nate.
“Sorry, Poppy, they insisted on coming,” Ace apologizes.