Page 122 of Five Summers

Neil and I exchange glances, and I offer him a smile. However, he remains completely unresponsive. His commanding stature and strong build emit an intimidating aura, clearly deterring anyone from crossing his path. He maintains his unwavering gaze on me until I avert my eyes. Meanwhile, the band, Reg, and Kit all move forward towards the press, who are eagerly waiting.

I stay back, away from the cameras and reporters who are moving forward with their microphones to question Xander and the other band members. Following Kit’s advice, I move to Neil,ensuring I stay out of the shot but close enough to hear the reporter’s questions.

“Xander, since this is your first time in Australia, can you let your fans know what you’ll be up to while you're here?”

“I’ll be singing.”

The reporter chuckles before asking another question. “Well, I guess you must be quite busy with all those sold-out concerts. C'mon, give your fans a little sneak peek at what you've got planned while you're here!”

Xander responds with his trademark grin. “Why spoil the surprise by revealing everything now?”

He's a pro at giving the media what they want.

"You'll have to wait and find out," he says, smirking and giving a cheeky wink.

This version of Xander I’m seeing right now is not the one I know. It’s a show for the media, and if I didn’t know the real Xander, I would mistake this imposter for the genuine one.

He flashes his sexy smile and hops into the waiting black limo, with the door already open.

The rest of the band answers a few more questions, and then they pile into the limo with Xander. Reg gets in and shuts the door. Kit comes over to where Neil and I are standing.

The limo pulls out from the curb.

“Alright, our car is this way,” Kit says, gesturing further down. However, before we can take a step in that direction, the black limo abruptly screeches to a halt. Its front end juts out into the traffic, causing a complete halt in the flow of cars.

With the press standing there, their cameras still rolling, everyone wonders what the hell is going on. Suddenly, horns blare, urging the black limo to get out of the way. Equally puzzled, I observe the scene. Just then, Kit’s phone rings and she quickly answers it. While on the phone, she looks over at me.

“That was Reg,” she says, hanging up the phone and slipping it back into her pocket. “You’re to get your ass in that car now. His words, not mine. Come on,” she grabs my hand and pulls me towards the car.

Luckily, the press is too busy to notice us slipping through the crowd. Chattered whispers start the second Reg gets out of the car, looking around, no doubt searching for me. Judging by the bulging vein on his forehead, he’s pissed. A camera almost hits me in the face as it turns towards us. As soon as he spots Kit pulling me forward, he moves to the side, allowing space for me to get in. I claim the seat next to Ace. Reg climbs back in and closes the door, sitting next to me. Sitting opposite me, Nate and Theo watch me, and Xander looks annoyed. I feel foolish, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. No one gave me the heads-up that I was supposed to travel with the band. The vehicle moves forward.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know—” I don’t get to finish my sentence because Reg cuts me off.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to cause more problems for me than you’re worth.”

“Don’t you fucking speak to her like that,” Xander says, moving forward in his seat. His eyes burn with a fiery rage.

The tension in the vehicle is palpable like there’s a ticking bomb ready to explode.

“She needs to understand I haven't got time to babysit her ass.”

“Watch your fucking mouth or I'll kick your ass for disrespecting her,” Xander says, getting more pissed by the second.

I take a quick look at the rest of the group, and they appear completely unfazed as if this is a common occurrence for them.

Reg laughs out loud. “Yeah, come on, big guy, you want to do this in front of her. You didn’t even want her to come in the first place.”

“Yeah, but now that she’s here, she stays with us, so I know she’s safe, asshole.” Xander’s words are fierce and filled with fury, serving as a clear warning not to fuck with him.

Reg glances my way. “Are you gonna deal with him or what? It’s your job to call out his inappropriate behavior.”

This asshole is taking it out on me because Xander called him out for talking to me like that.

I meet Reg’s glare. “Yeah, too bad I don't get paid to call out your rudeness. Because we’d be here all fucking night.”

Theo laughs out loud and tries to stifle it behind his hand, but it’s too late; we’ve all heard it.

“One word from me and your contract will be gone,” Reg spits out in response to my comment.