Page 153 of Five Summers

I lean forward, running my face along her neck, and gently plant a soft kiss against her skin. I know how much she used to enjoy this gesture, especially when she’s caught up in her thoughts.

“But what about Reg?” she asks, her concern evident.

“Fuck Reg,” I respond firmly. “If he causes any trouble, I’ll handle it.”

I truly mean every word - I’m ready to face him head-on the instant he says anything because this is important to me. I’m determined to reclaim this song as ours, to recapture the essence of what we had all those years ago.

As she catches my gaze, she hesitates briefly before nodding, recognizing the determination in my eyes. I lean in and plant a gentle kiss on her cheek, then shift my attention to scan the band, the sound crew, and the onlookers who are all observing our interaction. Taking Poppy’s hand in mine, I lead her over to the microphone.

With a nod, I signal to Nate that we’re ready for the song. I notice Ace's expression, as if he's bracing himself for yet another rendition of a terrible song. Little does he know, Poppy has an incredible singing voice, a secret I’ve kept from him. Only Theo is aware of her talent, as I shared it with him one night. Considering Theo’s tendency to reveal secrets, it’s highly probable that Nate knows as well.

The beat permeates the air, and Ace and Theo seamlessly merge with the music. I’m unable to look away from Poppy as she watches me lean into the microphone, ready to sing the opening line. I sense her nervousness, her hand trembling in mine. Gently, I rub my thumb along the back of her hand, hoping to reassure her. With a nod, I give her the signal to sing the second line, and she does so effortlessly. Despite her long absence from singing, her voice remains flawless, with that seductive and captivating tone that never fails to enthrall me. I urge her to continue, line after line.

As she grows more comfortable with the microphone, I scan the crowd and notice people standing there, undeniably amazed, curious to know who possesses such an extraordinary voice.

I glance over at Theo, who purposely avoids making eye contact. He, along with Ace and Nate, are completely absorbed in watching Poppy as she passionately delivers the lyrics of “Creep.” Just like when she had mesmerized me with her voice and vulnerability on the street, she now demands the attention of everyone present.

Damn, this girl can sing. She owns the stage, and I know if this place was packed right now, she would effortlessly captivate every single person in that crowd. However, I know Poppy. That’s not her style, no matter how exceptionally talented she is. She never sought the spotlight; all she ever wanted was to use her music to make a difference for children.

As the song concludes, she looks over at me, her smile radiating pure joy, and in this moment, my heart swells with pride for her.

“Fuck!” Ace says, coming forward. “I never knew you could sing like that.”

Poppy's cheeks flush, as if someone has caught her doing something wrong. I pull her close, wrapping my arm around her.

“How was it?” I ask, eager to hear her thoughts.

“Now I understand why my dad loved it so much. Thank you,” she says.

Chapter fifty-nine


We’re heading back to the hotel. Poppy is sitting on one side of me, while the ever-annoying Reg occupies the other. I intentionally made sure there’s a significant distance between him and my princess; she doesn’t deserve any of his unnecessary rants. Across from me, sit my ever loyal brothers. I’ve witnessed countless times how they’ve stood up and told Reg to back off whenever he started targeting Poppy. That’s what I admire about them - their loyalty and their willingness to defend what belongs to us.

“So, have you managed to fix the shitstorm you created?” Ace says to Reg, his voice tinged with annoyance.

“I’m dealing with it,” Reg replies, focusing on his phone, fingers swiftly typing as if drafting an email. His demeanor exudes indifference, downplaying the seriousness of the matter.

Keen to distance myself from the ongoing chaos, as I consider it more of a Reg problem than mine, I contemplate taking a stand against the label. If necessary and if I am once again unfairly accused for something I have not done, I’m willing to give a press interview to address the issue and set the record straight. However, right now, my priority is shifting away from the controversy to focus on something more important - my son.

I turn my head to Poppy, who is peering out the window. I lean in, and she notices right away, turning her attention to me.

“Can I see more photos of Alex?” I ask, eager to see more of my son. I want to learn as much as I can about him.

She retrieves her phone from her bag and unlocks it. Within seconds, a smile spreads across her face as she shows me a photo of Alex.

“There are plenty more in there,” she says, giving me her phone.

I take her phone, eager to immerse myself in every detail and catch a glimpse into my son’s life.

As I gaze at the image of the little boy, my attention becomes captivated. He symbolizes the essence of my newly discovered world, one that revolves around a son whom I am only just beginning to know. Despite the physical distance separating us, there is an emotional bond that constantly pulls me closer to him. His smile, captured in the photograph, resonates with a profound sense of familiarity. The strands of dark hair framing his eyes evoke a growing connection that intensifies with every passing moment.

Inside the cramped vehicle, I am acutely aware of the watchful gazes of those around me. Everyone, except for Reg, is keenly observing my every reaction as I delve into these preciousglimpses of my son’s life. I swiftly swipe the screen, eagerly anticipating the next chapter immortalized in these captivating images.

I stare at the moment captured on Poppy’s phone —a photo of Alex sitting on her lap, both of them bursting with laughter. His head is nestled against her chest, while she holds him tightly, their shared happiness emanating from the image. I can’t help but wonder what caused this laughter, the special connection that ties them together in that frozen moment. Curious to get a better view, I zoom in on the screen, fixating on their expressions.

As their expressions become clearer, a rush of emotions engulfs me. My eyes water as I realize the reality of all that I have missed out on through the years. The genuine warmth and connection captured in that photograph serve as an immediate reminder of the irreplaceable moments that have slipped through my fingers.