Nate leans forward in his seat to look at Ace. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, like you guys said, what’s the point of having a recording studio if it ain’t being used. Maybe it's time we give it a shot.”
“Hey Ace, I gotta confess something I didn’t want the label to know - I never actually stopped writing,” I admit. “I just said that so they wouldn't make me give them all my songs.”
“Wait, so you’ve been writing all this time?”
“Yep. We have enough songs for at least four albums.”
“No shit,” Ace says, smiling.
I lean forward, extending my hand across the coffee table towards Ace. “It’s great to have you back, brother,” I say. He glances down at my hand and then shakes it.
We sit there, just talking, like the old days when we lived in our dilapidated apartments. Back before our fame. It’s great towitness Ace’s return, effortlessly blending in as he always did. It is comforting to see him reclaiming his role as the brother I’ve always believed him to be.
Chapter fifty-four
Ikeep a close eye on Poppy as she sleeps on the couch throughout the night. I’m exhausted, but after a quick shower, we arrive in some random town in the middle of nowhere for one of many radio interviews. I don’t understand why these interviews have to be in person instead of over the phone like we usually do in the States, but we just follow Reg’s instructions. Speaking of which, where the fuck is he? It's not a big deal if he stops nagging me, but he's usually here to keep me in line.
The rest of the band sits at the table eating breakfast and drinking coffee. Theo’s spouting his usual bullshit. Nate's just doing his usual thing, sitting and watching. Ace looks likecrap, so he must’ve pulled another all-nighter - his childhood monsters are back to haunt him again. No matter how much he drinks, they always find a way to break through.
As I make my way towards the others, my legs inexplicably lead me to Poppy instead. She looks so still sleeping on the couch. Her fever has vanished and her complexion is no longer pale and clammy. I find myself captivated by her beautiful face, gently brushing aside a strand of her hair that hides her features. Lost in my focus on Poppy, I fail to notice the conversation at the table has come to a stop. With tenderness, I caress her cheek with the back of my fingers, savoring the comforting sensation of finally being able to touch her again.
“When are you going to tell her how you feel?” Nate asks.
I retract my hand and notice three pairs of eyes fixed on me. I slide my hands into my pockets and take a seat on the opposite couch, not uttering a single word.
“You’ll end up losing her again if you don’t tell her,” Ace remarks, his words hitting me. How the fuck does he know? I give Theo a glare, the idiot who can't keep his trap shut.
He throws his hands up like he's surrendering. "I swear, I didn't say anything," he insists.
I can’t discuss this with them. I can’t go there emotionally. There is an undeniable chemistry between Poppy and me. But it feels like I’m losing her again because she can’t stand to be near me. Even though the sex was amazing, I know she regrets it.
“Talk to her, dipshit,” Theo says. “Grow some balls and tell her you love her.”
I turn my attention back to the group, and they're all staring at me with intense curiosity.
“It’s complicated.”
“It won’t be if you tell her how you feel,” Nate says.
“And when was the last time you were a fucking Romeo, asshole?” I add.
As Nate and Theo lock eyes, a silent exchange passes between them, leaving me with a nagging feeling that I may have misspoken.
Reg enters the room, talking on the phone.
“Lower your voice,” Theo grumbles. “Some of us are trying to sleep.”
Reg glances at Theo, who points to Poppy peacefully snoozing on the couch.
“Yeah, right,” he says to the person on the other end of the phone. “I’ll deal with it.” He ends the call and slides his phone into his pocket. “Fuck!” he yells, his hands pulling on his hair.
“Reg’s world looks like so much fun,” says Theo, with a smug grin.
Ignoring Theo’s comment, Reg turns in my direction. “There’s been a development,” he says, his eyes piercing into mine for a few prolonged seconds.