Page 20 of Gio

“Anyway, there’s another event that’s smaller but just as important. A political fundraiser for a state senator that’s being held in ten days. Say you’re up for this, Harper.”

I grinned because I was more than ready to move to planning my own events, but I finally peeked over my shoulder because there was one thing I wasn’t yet ready for. Staying here in Steel City and dealing with the fallout of sleeping with Gio. And the fact that I wanted to keep sleeping with him and I no longer had the protection of distance to keep me from doing it. “I’m up for this, Nicole.”

“Excellent. I’ll send you all the details today. Call if you have questions or need help.” Nicole, as usual, ended the call before I could ask any questions.


I was thrilled at the opportunities Serena, the owner of the company, was giving me but I wasn’t as thrilled about the prospect of staying in Las Vegas or Steel City. There was Gio and then the matter of the bikers who may or may not be out to get me.

Shit.Things would definitely get awkward now. Wouldn’t they?

“Yeah, Cole, she’s fine. I’m fine too.”

Yep, definitely more awkward.I turned on the bed and watched the planes of his back move as he sat up and readjusted on the bed. Cole, my stupid, meddling, overprotective, loving brother. He was the reason Gio had been so hesitant at first, which meant last night was definitely a one-night event.

He turned to face me, a sheepish smile on his face. “Just checking in,” he mouthed to me as he nodded at whatevermy brother was saying. His gaze, dark and intense, raked over my naked body while he casually chatted with my brother. “Yeah, positive. Annoying but safe. And she’s leaving today or tomorrow.”

I shook my head at those words and pointed to my phone as if that was some sort of explanation. My nipples stiffened at the heat in his gaze and the way he reached forward and traced a thin line up the inside of my thigh.

Gio stood and turned to face me while he nodded and chatted with Cole. “Yeah, I’ll make sure.”

His gaze was like fire on my skin and suddenly I didn’t care about any awkwardness or the fact that I had to stay here. All I cared about was this moment with this man, right now. I laid back on the bed and spread my legs, sliding my hands up the insides of my thighs, enjoying the way his gaze riveted in on my slick center.

He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yeah, I’m listening.” He sighed heavily. “Hollywood’s release has been delayed. Shutdown at the prison.”

One hand fell between my thighs, massaging my clit with my palm, fucking myself with two fingers. The other hand pinched my nipple, and I smiled at the pained expression on Gio’s face, licking my lips at the way his cock surged to life and pointed to me.

His nostrils flared and then he knelt on the bed and mouthed one word to me. “Naughty.”

I licked my lips and arched into his touch. “Oh!” My hips bucked when Gio added one of his thick fingers to mine, fillingme up completely. He pumped his finger in time with mine and my body vibrated with electricity. “Fuck,” I whispered.

Gio pulled his finger free and sucked it clean before pressing one finger to his lips to quiet me. “Quiet,” he mouthed with a smile. “Yeah, she’s around here somewhere. Want to talk to her?”

I shook my head. There was no way in hell I could talk to my brother right now, when I had two fingers in my pussy and I was this close to a good morning orgasm.

But Gio’s face tilted into a mischievous grin that stole my breath and distracted me just enough that I accepted the phone before I realized what I was doing. “It’s Cole,” he said loudly to make sure Cole didn’t realize we were in bed together.

I fell back against the bed and closed my eyes, saying goodbye to that good morning orgasm. “Hey Cole. How’s it going?”

There was a smile in his voice when he greeted me. “Harp, I’m good. How are you holding up?”

I knew what he was asking, and I nodded even though he couldn’t see me, thankfully. “Yeah, I’m fine. Like Gio said, safe and annoying.” My eyes slammed open at the feel of Gio’s finger as it sank into my hungry pussy. “So fine,” I whispered.

Gio put a finger to his lips, a reminder to keep quiet.

I pointed to the phone with wide eyes. How in the hell was I supposed to keep quiet while he was touching me like that? “Yeah, Cole. I was a little scared but I’m good.” I kept my eyes shut and reveled in the way Gio touched me, his strokes alternated between long and slow and gentle, and hard, fast and demanding. My breathing shortened and my hips rolled,my mind focused more on Gio’s fingers than whatever Cole was saying.

“Harp, you still there?”

I nodded and sat up, grabbing Gio’s wrist to still his movements. I clamped my thighs tighter around him when he tried to pull away. “Still here, Cole.”

“I’m gonna be gone a little longer than expected so maybe I’ll swing through before heading home.”

“No need,” I told him and pushed up onto my elbows, my gaze fixed on Gio’s. “I’m not leaving just yet. I have two more events to plan so I’m here for another month. At least.” I held my breath and scanned Gio’s face for his reaction. Was he happy or was he disappointed that he wouldn’t be seeing the back of me?

“That’s good. Gio will keep an eye on you until I get back.”

I groaned and my eyes fluttered shut when Gio used his shoulders to spread me wide and started finger fucking me again.