I wanted to ask what she meant by that but one of the people involved in the gala needed her and then another and another until more than an hour had passed where I could only watch her flit from one table to the next. Thankfully it was the last hour and most of the guests had already trickled out of the ballroom, tipsy with full bellies and wallets a little lighter.
“Need some help?”
She gasped and turned to me with a relieved smile. “Nope. The vendors will come collect chairs and tables in the morning and the cleaning crew will take care of the rest. Thank you, though.”
“What are loving boyfriends for?”
She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Hey, what happened?”
“Nothing,” she insisted a little too brightly.
I closed the small space between us and wrapped my arm around her waist. “You know the downside to dating someone you’ve known forever? You can’t lie to them, especially when you’re a shit liar.”
“Am not,” she insisted automatically, the way she always had as kid just to be contrary. “It’s nothing, not really. I saw Carl and it just threw me off, that’s all.”
“He didn’t say anything to you?”
“No,” she sighed. “I’m not sure he even saw me, he was kind of distracted.”
“Don’t worry, I got your back babe. Besides, the guys have probably already looked around to see what’s going on. We’re good. Ready to get out of here?”
She nodded absently, still worried about something she wouldn’t share. “Yeah, I’m more than ready to get out of here and away from all of this.”
“When do you head back?”
“Since Cole isn’t here, probably tomorrow evening or the following morning. Everything will be wrapped up late tomorrow morning. So I guess our great love affair is over, huh?”
“Too bad, you were my favorite girlfriend.” I pulled her closer and we exited the ballroom that fed into the packed casino.
“Dammit, I left my purse somewhere.”
“That little sparkly thing?”
She nodded. “Yeah, I think I sat it down to help with something. I’ll be right back.” Harper started to walk off.
“Wait up,” I called after her, but the determined woman just moved forward, forcing me to catch up to her. “What’s the hurry?”
“Nothing.” She shook her head frantically and her hands shook. “Just ready to be out of here.”
“Then it’s a good thing I’m here with you.” I took her hand, and we searched room by room for her purse until we found it.
“Okay, now we can go.”
“You’re jumpy as hell, Harp. Anything you want to tell me?”
“Nope,” she answered sharply and damn near hauled ass out of the casino. Harper let herself relax when we made it to the car and as I eased out of the parking spot, the tension fled her body.
She nodded and let out a shaky breath. “Some, yeah.”
The familiar thunder of a motorcycle engine drew my attention to the rearview mirror where I saw three distinct headlights. “Don’t freak out, but I think we got company.”
With a gasp, Harper spun around, and her eyes instantly bugged out. “Is that them?”
“Don’t know. Probably.” Seconds later I had my answer when they flanked the car, leaving me with no place to go except forward. “Stay calm, Harper. I won’t let shit happen to you. Promise.” It wasn’t just because she was my best friend’s sister, but because she mattered to me too.
The assholes took advantage of the congested traffic to kick at the car, an effort to intimidate Harper and her unknown date. I smiled.