“Good problem to have,” I managed to push past the pain. “Let’s go.”
Cole helped me to my feet, but we stayed low while our MCs took aim at each other, determined to keep shooting until no one was left alive. “What a fucking shit show.”
“Amen, brother.” I nodded to where Viper attempted to get away. “Fucker is like a damn cockroach, he won’t die.”
“Not quickly,” Cole grunted. “But his days are numbered. If we don’t get to him, Santangelo will.”
That was good enough for me.
“Cole, get him the fuck outta here,” Rocky shouted as bullets continued to fly.
“Hang on,” I grunted and planted my feet into the grass. “Shooters in the windows.” I raised my gun and took aim, squeezing the trigger through the pain.
Cole didn’t argue, instead he helped me stay on my feet while he aimed at the upstairs windows. “Fuckers!”
I don’t know how many bullets we shot but one body fell to the ground and the other fell out of the window and onto the ground below. Satisfaction rushed through me, but the pain returned and brought me to my knees. “Cole,” I muttered as both hands hit the ground.
“I got you, brother. Let’s get the fuck outta here. The boys can take care of what’s left of the Blood Reapers.”
I nodded, unable to speak as the pain became unbearable. “Fuck.”
“Don’t worry Gio.”
“I’m not fucking worried,” I gasped out as the pain consumed me and my thoughts went back to Harper. Her big blue eyes filled my vision, and her smile was the only thing I focused on as my consciousness began to fade. “I’m fine.”
“You will be.” Cole’s voice was the last thing I heard as the darkness claimed me.
Chapter 33
Shot. Gio was shot and bleeding and unconscious. “Is he going to be okay?” I couldn’t believe it when Ellie came to me, her voice calm and even as she told me that Gio had been shot. I’d run to the room where they’d taken him as soon as I heard he was back.
Laura’s gaze flicked up to me and her lips curled into a sympathetic smile. The plastic apron and gloves she was wearing were covered in blood—Gio’s blood—but her voice was calm, “Yes. It looks a lot worse than it is, actually. The bullet went straight through his side without hitting any major organs so he’s going to be in pain for a while but he’s not at risk. Or much risk because of course there are always complications with gunshot wounds.”
That helped but not as much as I wanted it to. “Why is he unconscious?”
“He’s not. I gave him a sedative so I could clean out the wound. His vitals are okay, but I’m guessing the meds mixed with the post adrenaline crash have zonked him out. He’ll be okay once it wears off, but in the meantime, it makes my job a lot easier.” She worked efficiently in a well-rehearsed dance of flushing out the wound, stitching it and then applying the dressing. I kept my focus on her hands as they moved instead of what they were doing because the reality of the situation threatened to pull me under.
Gio gave a groan, Laura stopped what she was doing to do a quick check of his vitals, then turned to face me. “He’s going to be fine. In pain but ultimately good, Harper.”
“Yeah, okay. Thanks.” I believed her but my brain couldn’t quite process the truth yet. I held his hand and brought it to my lips. “Don’t you even think about doing anything other than coming back to me, damn you.”
It was around two full hours before Gio finally began to stir, wincing and grunting his pain and discomfort. “What the fuck happened.”
“You got shot,” I replied in a whisper-soft voice. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I got shot.”
Somehow, I managed a laugh. Gio was the only man I knew who could make me laugh even as tears streamed down my face. “Makes sense.”
“Come here.” He patted the empty space beside him, a slowly seductive grin curled his lips skyward. “Harper.”
“Gio.” His word slipped out on a watery cry as I buried my face into his neck. “I was so fucking scared.”
“Me too,” he admitted. “After I got shot the only thing I thought about was getting back to you. I told you,” he began with a satisfied grin. “I might be battered and bruised but I’d come back to you.”